Repair Turret

by Klonan

Adds Repair Turrets

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0
Combat Logistic network

g Where do the deconstructed items go

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I just researched the construction/deconstruction tech and noticed the turrets deconstructing stuff which I intended my bots to deconstruct so I thought it was deleting them, but went over to where all my logistic stuff is in my base and looked at the hover of what's in my logistics system but I see the deconstructed items there.

Problem is that every single one of my storage chests has a filter on it and I'm not using any buffer or passive providers either. I've looked everywhere for those items that show up in my logistic network but I can't find them.

I placed down a storage chest without filter thinking maybe some drone out there was just flying around with the items but nope.

where did they go?

edit: I left that storage chest without any filter and deconstructed a few more things and they never entered that storage either but I do see them inside the logistic network. I have zero clue where these items are going.

3 years ago

I apologize. The problem was on my end.

I'm using the ammo loader mod as well and didn't realize that it exposed the item as a general storage unit and didn't see the items till I ran additional tests watching for where the bots would travel from to a requester chest. lol.

New response