Repair Turret

by Klonan

Adds Repair Turrets

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0
Combat Logistic network

g Repair Turrets Don't have a"Smart"amount of repair packs

4 years ago

I don't know how to put this, but here's the problem: I was planning to make a line of laser turrets with a couple of repair turrets every 5/6 of them to cover the entire line of turrets(about 50). The plan was to make a transport belt that would cycle the repair backs among the turrets, like you would do with ammo with gun turrets.

Except that there's major difference with gun turrets.

Gun turrets can hold a stack(200) of ammo BUT the inserters only put 10 or so per turret, this so with transport belt you can provide a decent distribution of ammo, without putting an entire stack of each for every turret.

This doesn't happen with repair turrets, it seems like each inserter will keep putting repair packs on the turret until it reaches the stack 200, which made my previous idea why less practical as I'd have to carry THOUSANDS of repair packs just for a dozen of repair turrets, and that's because inserters aren't told to stop until they reach the stack.

Should make so inserters stop putting repair packs if there's already 10 or more in, either that or make repair turrets capable to be linked with the circuit network so I can do that via that method instead.

4 years ago

Repair turrets can steal repair packs from anywhere in the repair turret network, so you only have to fill one of them.

4 years ago

Oh ~ didn't know that, well I guess that's solve the problem thanks ^^

1 year, 3 months ago

Yeah, I noticed that, also. The turrets are greedy. Half the belt is ammo, the other half repair packs and it's taking a crazy amount of them.

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