Repair Turret

by Klonan

Adds Repair Turrets

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0
Combat Logistic network

g How UPS efficient is this over large distances?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Like, say, if I were to encase my rail network with turrets because I'm sick and tired of biters getting caught on a big power pole and destroying it.
So yeah, there's no real easy way to get bots/supplies out to out to the 16k laser turrets surrounding my rails (which double as base perimeter). I suppose I could always make one huge bot network but that runs into bots being idiots so no.
I just wind up driving a train through every now and then to manually repair/replace things.

I don't mind the electric cost, but how will this do when the path from turret to supply chest is 1k+ tiles away? If I setup a handful of supply stations, can these turrets efficiently 'zoop' the repair packs where they need to go?
What about from just one central repair pack chest to cover a 2k*2k area? How many hops is too many and causes a UPS drain?

PS: I saw that post about it using repair packs on reddit and this looks fucking amazing. Can't wait to try it.

5 years ago

shouldn't be so bad, 1k tiles is only 10 hops over max distance roboports

IF you try it and its not that great, send me the save and I can try to optimize it

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

It's not as bad as I was expecting. Longest run over rails is about 2.5k, chunk based so repair towers are approx every 32 tiles.
So it's closer to 70-80 hops. (Intersections are a bit more spread out so those may incur more hops per chunk. (There's 274 total built right now.)

Anyways, wort-case (me shooting some turrets at that extreme end) results in script update of 0.4~ms for repair turrets. (But only when something is damaged, which isn't too often.)
Not a big deal for now as I'm only hitting 5-9ms for UPS depending on what's idle.

Proc is i7-6700k.

5 years ago

On my case I had to remove the mod due to ups issues during biter attacks.

I'm currently running a world with space exploration and some other mods, here's the save:!Ak4ek4pOHXIrgSLZd75TRWGI07Un?e=heMgWY

When there is a biter attack my UPS on my machine drop from 60 to 40ish.

For the time beeing I just use the 0.1.1 version which is fine, so my assumption is, that this has something to do with the "hopping" from one port to another.

5 years ago

Thanks for the save game, you're right the hopping is what I causing some performance drop.

Your save was really useful for me trying to optimize it, which I have done for the latest release.

New response