Repair Turret

by Klonan

Adds Repair Turrets

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0
Combat Logistic network

b Might just be me

5 years ago

Hi, Hoping to use this mod for a couple of weeks now, however, I've always had this error come up. The error has occurred over multiple updates.

Repair_Turret/control.lua:1: module event_handler not found; no such file Repair_Turret/event_handler.lua no such file Repair_Turret/event_handler.lua no such file core/lualib/event_handler.lua
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'require'
Repair_Turret/control.lua:1: in main chunk

Not sure if it's related to existing mods or not
Thanks in advance

5 years ago

unfortunately i got the same message :-(

it seems that a file is missing ?

5 years ago

what version of factorio are you on?

5 years ago

I am stil on version 0.17.59, but as far as i remember also for the first version of the mod this was the problem....

But yes it could be that thats the problem...

5 years ago

Yea, you need to be on the latest update, I will update the dependencies with the next release to reflect that.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

My repair turrets just don't repair anything =( They did repair when I was testing yesterday, and no longer do so today. I guess it's some mod conflict.
If there's a chance that you could look into it, the savegame is at (the turrets and damaged entities are at the most southern wall). The link should be available for a week.

5 years ago

Okay, it looks like the turrets do repair entitites, but only if the entities were damaged AFTER the turrets were placed

New response