Remote Configuration

Allows the player to configure any machine from the map, without allowing item transfer so it maintains the vanilla feel. Allows wire placement and entity settings copy/paste at any distance. Press R to issue a rotation request, right-click to mark for deconstruction. Less cheaty alternative to Far Reach. Similar to Space Exploration's Navigation Satellite, but works entirely within map view.

11 months ago

i [Compatibility] Compatibility with AdditionalPasteSettings

1 year, 3 months ago
(updated 1 year, 3 months ago)

The mod works incorrectly when used over the remote view if AdditionalPasteSettings is installed.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install both mods
  2. Deploy the blueprint below
  3. Select any recipe in the assembling machine
  4. Copy assembling machine
  5. Paste signals to both chests (yellow and blue) and the bottom inserter
  6. Do so on the close range AND over the remote view




  • Works the same way in both cases
  • Blue chest is set to request recipe ingredients
  • Yellow chest is set to store the result
  • Inserter is set to the condition "Result < X"


  • If you are close enough, both works fine
  • If you are far enough, the setting over remote view results in the following:
  • Blue chest is applied normally
  • Inserter is rotated
  • Yellow chest is set to store an igridient from the recipe


(Top -- manually, bottom -- remote)


1 year, 3 months ago

For the storage chest, that is a known bug, it is really a base game bug:

I could work around it but it is unlikely to happen any time soon.

No idea about the inserter rotation, I’ll try and have a look at some point :)

1 year, 3 months ago
(updated 1 year, 3 months ago)

For the storage chest, that is a known bug, it is really a base game bug:
I could work around it but it is unlikely to happen any time soon.

This is known behaviour in vanilla, but I use the Paste Settings mod which should override this behaviour, but this is not the case BTW. Furthermore, if I disable RC mod the APS mod works perfectly for the pasting, but the machine recipe can't be set which makes that behaviour uselss.

No idea about the inserter rotation, I’ll try and have a look at some point :)

This may be related to the Smart Inserters mod I use

Edit: Added note on the storage chest issue

1 year, 3 months ago

@Hares, they're both triggering the paste event, but RemoteConfiguration is happening after AdditionalPasteSettings so it gets overridden. The workaround I'm using until the base game bug is fixed is to change the AdditionalPasteSettings trigger to ctrl+left click instead of it's default of shift+left click.

New response