Remote Configuration

Allows the player to configure any machine from the map, without allowing item transfer so it maintains the vanilla feel. Allows wire placement and entity settings copy/paste at any distance. Press R to issue a rotation request, right-click to mark for deconstruction. Less cheaty alternative to Far Reach. Similar to Space Exploration's Navigation Satellite, but works entirely within map view.

8 months ago

b Permissions

1 year, 8 months ago

Awful permissions system implementation.
You might take a look at Space Exploration, and how it handles these issues with se_remote_view
It moves the players back to the group they were in and not just to the default group...

As it stands now, this mod breaks if anything else wants to use permissions.

1 year, 8 months ago
(updated 1 year, 8 months ago)

Yeah I know it isn’t ideal, I just haven’t gotten around to making it work properly yet, and the feature is used by so few people, it really isn’t a priority. I mentioned this in the mod’s description and discussed it here:

Just saving the player’s group and going back to it afterwards isn’t ideal either, since if the player’s original permission group didn’t allow placing ghosts (for example), then when they are moved to the RC permission group, they would then be able to. I don’t see the point of implementing support for permissions without covering this usecase, but it makes it even more complicated to work with. Still solvable of course, just more complex.

It will probably be implemented eventually, but it isn’t a high priority. Pull requests always welcome :)

1 year, 8 months ago
(updated 1 year, 8 months ago)

I believe space exp duplicates the other roles and then modifies the permissions, preserving the base user permissions. You might check the license on their code, you might be able to just copy paste their solution. Permissions are commonly used for multiplayer servers.

1 year, 8 months ago

Yeah that is how it would been to be done, but SE’s licence doesn’t allow copy-pasting, so I’d have to implement it myself :)

1 year, 8 months ago

Ah, that is a shame. At one point nearly every Factorio mod was a very permissive license.
It seems that has been changing over the years...

1 year, 8 months ago

Most of them are permissive, but most overhauls aren’t. That’s the distinction really - people who put loads of time and effort into their mods (and especially the art) generally aren’t as likely to want others using it.

1 year, 8 months ago

But honestly copying this from SE wouldn’t really help anyway - I’d have to understand how SE does it, copy paste the bits I want, and then rework it to work with the structure of my mod. Not much if any time savings over just implementing it from scratch myself.

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