Realistic Electric Trains

This mod adds electric trains which require power delivered by overhead lines.

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.0

b 1.1?

4 years ago

Failed to load mods: entity prototype "ret-chain-pole-base" (rail-chain-signal) collision mask does not collide with entity "rail-chain-signal" (rail-chain-signal).
rail signal collision masks must collide with all other rail signals.
ret-chain-pole-base modifications. Realistic Electric Trains

4 years ago

Same here.
Funny thing is when I add , the game starts with both mods enabled and RET seems to work.

4 years ago

interesting might be a fix some where in the code for ret either directly if beautiful bridge maker doesn't mind or indirectly just by seeing what is getting fixed and replicating it

4 years ago

If I remember correctly the Beautiful Bridge Railway changes the collision mask of signals so it can be placed on water. I don't how that other mod does it but I think I know way it does.

4 years ago

so its a collision mask issue hmm i dont know enough about how those work to offer a fix

4 years ago

This is a result of, or tl;dr "Rail signals have to have collision mask that collides with any other rail signal. By default rail signals now include rail-layer to achieve that."

I'm no modder but it seems all that needed done was adding the "rail-layer" "collision_mask" to the pole_base and pole_placer entities. I created a PR:

4 years ago

good job blacksmoke16

4 years ago

same here

4 years ago

until then I have a fix that works in 1.1.

4 years ago

unfortunately it does not work for version 1.1.19

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

it seems to for me ? what other mods do you have ? is it crashing ? not working in some other way ?

4 years ago

I've been on the experimental branch so my fix should be working.

4 years ago

well I have the mod on my 1.0 backup
and here with this mod, my trains are at a standstill and I can neither dismantle if touch, otherwise it is a direct crash.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I also have a problem with the fix and the 1.1.19 (in the stable branch)
And for some reasons, the bug is here only with the save I play on. If I start a new save, it's seem there is no problem

I have this error (because robots are placing poles), but if I delete a pole it's crashing with approximatly the same issue

1640.983 Error MainLoop.cpp:1285: Exception at tick 30095419: Le mod Realistic Electric Trains 1.1 fix (0.4.7) a engendré une erreur non récupérable.
Merci d'informer l'auteur de cette erreur.

Error while running event Realistic_Electric_Trains_fix::on_robot_built_entity (ID 14)
Realistic_Electric_Trains_fix/logic/rail_search.lua:251: attempt to index local 'target_wire' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
Realistic_Electric_Trains_fix/logic/rail_search.lua:251: in function <Realistic_Electric_Trains_fix/logic/rail_search.lua:174>
(...tail calls...)
Realistic_Electric_Trains_fix/logic/overhead_line.lua:242: in function 'install_pole'
Realistic_Electric_Trains_fix/logic/events/on_built.lua:100: in function 'create_pole'
Realistic_Electric_Trains_fix/logic/events/on_built.lua:162: in function <Realistic_Electric_Trains_fix/logic/events/on_built.lua:157>

(Screen of the error )

And when I load my save, all trains are like if there were not powered (they all stop with the little icon on top of these)

There is about 70 trains MK2 on the save
Screens of mods config + all mod I used on the save:

I hope theses info will help you. Have a great day ! :D

4 years ago

voila c'est exactement cela qui m'arrive

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