Realistic Fusion Power

Adds a new way to produce energy through nuclear fusion. Fully compatible with K2, Angel's/Bob's, SE and IR2. Unmaintained since 2024-10-25.

a month ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Very Short Tutorial

4 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

I found get started due to the complexity of this mod (it's almost a Factorio game within the Factorio game). The YouTube tutorial didn't do it for me, and the how-to in this portal does not seem to match the stuff I have. The pictures here don't either, but I figured out why...they show stuff used in the non-Advanced Deuterium Extraction version, while I use the default Advanced version (this is a setting under the Startup tab). So here goes:
1) location is important, since this site will use a LOT of water. Might be best to build on top of a landfilled lake. A landfill-editing mod such as Simple Landfill Mining is a must.
2) I placed down 2 columns of 10 electric boilers (20 total) with speed moduled beacons in between. Then I connected 3 vanilla turbines to each to get rid of the waste steam. Connect these to your gird because you WILL get power from them, but at only about 20% efficiency due to the steam temperature.
3) Pipe the (pathetically small) dribble of resultant heavy water to two electrolysers. Note that the second electrolyser will only barely be used...the 20 boilers make just a bit more heavy water than what just 1 can process.
4) See that array of boilers/beacons/electrolysers that you just placed? Place down four more. Yes that's right, that will total 100 boilers and 300 vanilla turbines.
5) Pipe the deuterium gas that the electrolysers are outputting into a single plasma heater. Note that there are (when you have all the tech) 20 different recipes that the heater can use, which are divided up into 4 groups of 5. Each group does a different thing, and within each group are varying efficiencies. What you want is the best recipe in the "11 Deuterium Gas" group. This will have a crafting rate of .5 (worst is 1). Also note that plasma heaters are not affected by beacons, and that they don't accept modules. Neither do electrolysers.
6) After this point, your pipes need to be the red-colored magnetic containment type. If you use the vanilla, they will blow up.
7) Pipe the deuterium plasma to a fusion reactor. Note that, similar to the plasma heater, the fusion reactor can use 40 recipes which is divided into 4 groups of 10. Three groups use deuterium plasma as the input, the fourth use D-T. You want the deuterium plasma recipe that only outputs MJ, not the ones that output MJ and He3 and tritium. And, you want the one that outputs the most MJ (600 is the highest).
8) Now place the fusion heat exchanger right up against the fusion reactor. You will note that the R and F keys do not work with this structure...its orientation is fixed. Those keys don't work with the fusion reactor either, although you can sorta finagle its orientation according to the input that you connect it to.
9) Now comes the most fun part...figuring out the physical layout of the heat pipes, high-capacity heat exchangers and high-capacity turbines. Since I am a crappy designer, I simply used the turbine setup shown on the fourth picture of this mod portal. Note a couple things there. For one, each exchanger has its own offshore pump, probably because the max water consumption of exchangers is 1000 and offshores put out 1200 (hence locating this portion of the site on top of a landfilled lake). For another, the turbines are chained together by 10.
10) Congrats. You've built, at great expense, an inefficient fusion site that bounces between 220-620 MW (due to the crafting speed of the fusion reactor).
10a) Instead of using 3 vanilla turbines per boiler for waste steam removal, you can instead pipe 10 boilers together to feed 3 high-capacity turbines. That will take up less space and perhaps be less resource intensive.
11) This site (and this tutorial) is only the first step of this mod. I'm sure that when you delve in to the later complexities, the site will become more efficient. But I myself have not gotten there yet. Good luck.

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