Realistic Fusion Power

Adds a new way to produce energy through nuclear fusion. Fully compatible with K2, Angel's/Bob's, SE and IR2. Unmaintained since 2024-10-25.

4 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

b [Fixed in 1.8.11-12] SE Antimatter canisters missing

3 years ago

This server does have the option to merge SE's antimatter with RFP.

Finally reached SE's antimatter canisters that are used in some required SE recipes to progress, and things like FNEI states it should be made in the SE Particle Collider, but attempting to do so shows that it's missing as a recipe to be selected. We are now stuck in our progression as large amounts of antimatter canisters are required to get a tiny amount of arcospheres, of which we need to produce those satellites often and rapidly (in addition to it being used in quite a few other recipes).

Normally the SE antimatter canister takes 1000 antimatter stream to make a canister (and you can 'open' the canister to get back the 1000 antimatter stream), which is usually not an issue in normal SE as you can usually make antimatter stream 50 at a time by accelerating SE's Particle Stream in SE's Material Fabricator every second. Currently our antimatter production on nauvis from water is making about 5 a second with tremendous amounts of power, and so it's making this part of the game extremely slow (we are slowly scaling it up but each of those buildings are amazingly expensive), when normally we'd be making hundreds of SE antimatter stream per second at this point

I'm wonder that instead of merging the fluids if it would be better to replace SE's particle-stream -> antimatter-stream recipe with your antimatter + particle stream or so in a ratio of like 1 or 5 or so to 50 particle stream to make 50 antimatter stream in SE's material fabricator perhaps (and removing the normal particle stream to antimatter stream as it seems like you are doing now?).

However it's done, we are currently stuck, and the game has massively slowed down since deep science 2 needs a good bit of antimatter (I'm still thinking it might be fine for the science rate, once we can scale it up, but I also know I tend to play things hard so it might be too much by default)... ^.^;

3 years ago

Replacing all of SE's antimatter canisters with RFP's matter-antimatter fuel cell could work, not just in recipes, but also to burn in SE's antimatter reactors, even though the normal SE antimatter canisters that take 1000 easily made antimatter makes 20GJ and the matter-antimatter fuel cell's take 20 RFP's antimatter (which is antimatter stream since they are merged) and makes 15TJ, seems fine considering how its used, and seems to make sense in the recipes too.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Changed it so that RFP antimatter is replaced with SE antimatter at a 1:20 ratio, check for yourself. Can be modified with a mod setting if you want it to be harder (or easier).

3 years ago

Oh you're quick! ^.^

I'll give it a test here in the next hour! :-)

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I'm still not able to create Antimatter Canisters.

Checked the code in the .11 version, the file at compatibility-patches/space-exploration/data-final-fixes.lua has this code:

    if settings.startup["rfp-replace-se"].value then[se.."antimatter-production"].hidden = true
        data.raw.recipe[se.."antimatter-stream"].hidden = true
        data.raw.recipe[se.."empty-antimatter-canister"].hidden = true

        data.raw.recipe[se.."antimatter-canister"].hidden = true[se.."antimatter-reactor"].hidden = true
        data.raw.recipe[se.."antimatter-reactor"].hidden = true
... snip more

Which still seems to be setting it hidden. Making it hidden is fine if all recipes that used it were updated to RFP's matter-antimatter fuel cell, or being able to make it from RFP's antimatter-stream.

However no antimatter-canister ingredient in any recipe was replaced so I still can't build things like arcosphere collectors, efficiency module 9's, etc...

3 years ago

The recipe costs got adjusted otherwise though, that seems to work, although the science pack that takes 5 each is taking 1, but unsure it's possible to make it do a 20x ratio unless the other ingredients and output (and time) were then increased 4 times. ^.^

3 years ago

Should be fixed in 1.8.12. Honestly, the SE replacement mod setting is not at all balanced or refined, especially if you don't lower the research multiplier significantly... it's probably a better idea to just play with it off and use RFP alongside SE.

3 years ago

Yeah I have the mulitplier turned down to 0.1 (seems to work decently, bit high on some antimatter things but still encourages scaling up, thus more spaceship automation), it's worked decently well so far, any issues I come across I report (and you fix quickly ^.^).

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Just following up, still seems great so far! Haven't found anything missing or blocking that's necessary as of yet, some prices around the SE antimatter canister still seems a bit high but I'm quite okay with that as it encourages scaling up even more (hundreds of particle accelerators so far!). Thanks for the work! :-)

(EDIT: Really, though the price for the antimatter canisters might be a bit high for vanilla SE, they seem fitting here, plus they aren't really used in huge amounts like in science or so, I would say don't change it. ^.^)

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

If it's too high/low, you can adjust how much antimatter RFP methods produce (without affecting RFP balance) using the mod setting added in 1.8.11.

3 years ago

It's more of just the canisters are expensive in SE and just feels more so due to how antimatter is manufactured now, but it's fine, they are used in few things that aren't mass produced. :-)

New response