Realistic Fusion Power

Adds a new way to produce energy through nuclear fusion. Fully compatible with K2, Angel's/Bob's, SE and IR2. Unmaintained since 2024-10-25.

4 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Deuterium Gas?

3 years ago

Hi Guys,

Im probably missing something simple but for the life of me I cant figure out how to convert heavy water into deuterium or deuterium gas, so I cant get started with fusion at all.

Using Krastorio 2.

3 years ago


Use Elektrolyser. :)

Heavy Water is still water so its the same way to get your Deuterium.

Stay effectiv


3 years ago

Ahhh there it is, cheers.

2 years ago

I had this same issue, but I checked in the electrolysis plant, and I can turn regular water into H2 and O2 gasses with it, but there's no option to do the same with heavy water. I looked for such a recipe in the research options, but came up empty. What do I have to research so I can start actually fueling all these buildings I've researched and built?

2 years ago

I noticed you referred to it as "Elektrolyser", rather than "Electrolysis Plant". My Water Separation and Water Electrolysis recipes both list two buildings they can be done in: the "Electrolysis Plant" that I've been using, but they also list a "Electrolyser", which is not mentioned anywhere else in the game that I can find (it's not available for me to build, and there's no technology that shows it as a thing it unlocks or that comes up in a search of the research list for "electrolyser"). Maybe something's broken that is supposed to be providing me with another building?

2 years ago

OK... my install's definitely borked. I tried creating a new game with just this mod, Krastorio 2 (which this one specifically lists as an optional dependency), and nothing else, and the Deuterium Extraction research now shows that it also lets me build the Electrolyser, meaning that one of my other mods ruined that other run (which sucks, because I was really far into that game before discovering the problem), even though none of them does anything that should have anything to do with this.

Now knowing what to look for (open research list, look at Deuterium Extraction, see if it shows the icon for the Electrolyser), I went through every mod on my list, and found that the "Factorio Library" mod is the one that's causing the problem. Odd, as it shouldn't directly affect anything in-game at all; according to its description, it should only be providing resources for other mods to depend on.

I removed the Factorio Library mod entirely, then reloaded the save, telling it not to re-download the missing mod, thus forcing a migration to a new version of the game that doesn't have the FLib modifications present, and the save does now have the electrolyser, but is now lacking a ton of other stuff that I'd taken to be Krastorio 2 stuff (and which the game itself labeled as being related to Krastorio 2, but did not label as related to FLib or any other mods, like the Atmospheric Condenser, or mechanics with clear ties to Krastorio 2, like creep, which has a help-file entry under the Krastorio 2 heading and is used by Krastorio 2 research cards).

Given that this mod specifically calls out Krastorio 2 as a good one to combine it with (by listing it as an "optional dependency"), and that Krastorio 2 requires FLib (as a non-optional dependency, and lacking it breaks things in Krastorio 2), FLib breaking this mod this badly (nearly everything this mod offers can't actually be used without deuterium gas) seems to me to be a serious problem that needs to be fixed by the mod maintainers. Until it is, I guess all I can do is start a new campaign with this mod disabled.

2 years ago

Right now the RFP and K2 recipes are in different categories, so when you open the electrolysis plant you have to switch to the other tab (with the water+oil icon) to see it.

New response