Reactor Interface Tweaked

Provides a less-laggy interface for reactors to connect to the circuit network.

6 months ago
Circuit network

i Modsupport for other Reactor Mods

1 year, 1 month ago

Would it be possible to add support for other reactors from other mods such as Space Exploration, Krastorio2 and Plutonium Energy or would this be too cumbersome?

1 year, 1 month ago

If it looks and acts like a vanilla reactor, should be pretty simple, as long as it burns nuclear fuel of some kind.
And if it doesn't, the control interface probably isn't necessary anyway.

6 months ago
(updated 6 months ago)

FYI, this isn't true by default. The list of reactors that the mod interacts with is hard-coded to be:

reactor_names =
  ["nuclear-reactor"] = true,
  ["nuclear-reactor-2"] = true,
  ["nuclear-reactor-3"] = true,

You can add more reactors that use burner fuel to this list, like "se-antimatter-reactor". The mod could easily be modified to work with any entity of type "reactor".

6 months ago

Well yes, I did say that it would be simple to add, not that I had already done so :p

I'm not sure whether it's better to have a hardcoded list of reactor types it makes sense to use the control interface with, or make it automatically apply to any reactor-type entity. For example I know Nullius uses type=reactor for things like the geothermal and solar thermal power plants as well.

Maybe I could check for both type=reactor AND energy_source.type=burner (and/or energy_source.fuel_category = "nuclear"), but that gets a bit complicated, and really what matters is that the entity's sprite is based on the vanilla reactor sprite so that the interface fits visually.

So maybe a hardcoded list of compatible reactor-type entities is best. Just post the entity names that need to be added to the list and I can do that.

I'll go ahead and add K2 & SE since I'm familiar with those, others will have to tell me about other mods.

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