Random Colors attempts to set a random color on every placed entity that supports the prototype color property. In vanilla, this is generally locomotives and train stops. Entities that already have a color set, typically from a ghost, will keep the preset color. Should work with any mod entities that support color as well. Note that cars and tanks are placed with color (0,0,0,0) and will always change their color when a player enters. The color can still be changed by the hotkey if no one is inside.
A hotkey (Shift + C) can be used to assign a color to the currently selected entity.
A setting allows the colors to instead cycle from a built-in 16 color list. The built in colors, in order, are red, brick, orange, gold, yellow, grassy, green, sea green, cyan, sky blue, blue, navy, magenta, purple, pink, and hot pink.
An additional setting will cause the mod to ignore preset colors and always assign a random one on placement.