Rampant, fixed

Based on Rampant 1.1.1 (new AI and enemies). 1. Perceptibly more dangerous. AI significantly rewritten, gameplay different. Can attack from afar. Improved search for a passage in the defense. By default, it does not populate the entire map. 2. +2 Factions. Can mutate existing nests. Mixed attacks from different factions. Can be combined with nests of other enemies

4 months ago

g I have significant massiv performance problems

1 year, 2 months ago
(updated 1 year, 2 months ago)

Without "Rampant, fixed" i have 60 fps/ups.
So if i am at the radar all are fine but if i zoome in and the detailed grafic is shown i have 30-45 fps/ups.
I have no idear why this hapen. Picture: https://ibb.co/98kM9qr

Edit: Now i have installed Rampant from Veden and all is fine. So - what ever you made in the "fixed" version it makes massive problems for me (Pack are "All the overhauls" with other mods.

1 year, 2 months ago

I need your save

1 year, 2 months ago
(updated 1 year, 2 months ago)

Mhh, have not find a way to write you private, so please say if you have the file. I didnt want have this here for all in the internet.

1 year, 2 months ago

the file was received successfully. I'll watch it in the next day or two.
However, I'm not sure that anything can be done.
I saw the playthrough of the author of the ATO mod pack and he had 60 fps/ups during an all-out war throughout Nauvis.
But at least I'll see what I can do

1 year, 2 months ago

Maybe one of my other Mods make trouble in combining.

I have testet with the fixed version deactivate same time activate the normal version. than saved and swiched back (deactivate oroginal and activate fixed version) and than i have had 60 FPS/UPS but afer minits the UPS/FPS goes slowly down.
Maybe its only one special biter who makes the trouble? Is that possible? Maybe anything with grafic or what ever.

So yes, let your time. I say many thanxs for your time and that you answered me. Have a verry nice day.

And yes i have many mods i now smile

1 year, 2 months ago

I hve found something. The Modder from "All the auverhauls" make something in there own file.
If it possible that this make my problems?

if mods["RampantFixed"] then
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--agressiveStart", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--disableCollidingProjectiles", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--useDumbProjectiles", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--useBlockableSteamAttacks", true)
overwrite_settings("int-setting", "rampantFixed--attackWaveMaxSize", 75)
overwrite_settings("int-setting", "rampantFixed--attackWaveMaxSizeEvoPercent", 100)
overwrite_settings("int-setting", "rampantFixed--maxNumberOfSquads", 10)
overwrite_settings("int-setting", "rampantFixed--maxNumberOfBuilders", 10)
overwrite_settings("int-setting", "rampantFixed--unitAndSpawnerFadeTime", 10)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--enableSwarme", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--enableShrinkNestsAndWorms", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--safeBuildings", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--safeBuildings-curvedRail", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--safeBuildings-straightRail", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--safeBuildings-bigElectricPole", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--safeBuildings-railSignals", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--safeBuildings-railChainSignals", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--safeBuildings-trainStops", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--safeBuildings-lamps", false)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--addWallResistanceAcid", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--allowOtherEnemies", false)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--newEnemiesSide", "MIXED")
overwrite_settings("int-setting", "rampantFixed--newEnemyVariations", 1)
--how strong biters can get, mostly affects health
overwrite_settings("int-setting", "rampantFixed--tierStart", 1)
--how strong biters can get, mostly affects health
overwrite_settings("int-setting", "rampantFixed--tierEnd", 5)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--aiPointsScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("string-setting", "rampantFixed--aiDifficulty", "Hard")
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--allowLongRangeImmunity", true)
overwrite_settings("int-setting", "rampantFixed--longRangeImmunity_efficiency", 95)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--allowOneshotProtection", true)
overwrite_settings("int-setting", "rampantFixed--oneshotProtection_efficiency", 90)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--acidEnemy", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--laserEnemy", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--electricEnemy", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--suicideEnemy", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--fastEnemy", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--waspEnemy", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--spawnerEnemy", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--trollEnemy", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--energyThiefEnemy", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--fireEnemy", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--ArachnidsEnemy", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--physicalEnemy", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--infernoEnemy", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--poisonEnemy", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--nuclearEnemy", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--JuggernautEnemy", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--unitSpawnerBreath", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--enableMigration", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--peacefulAIToggle", false)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--peacePeriod", 20)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--raidAIToggle", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--siegeAIToggle", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--undergroundAttack", false)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--undergroundAttackProbability", 0.15)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--permanentNocturnal", false)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--allowDaytimePlayerHunting", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--allowDaytimeNonRampantActions", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--aiDifficulty", "Hard")
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--showDisableNewEnemiesButton", false)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--settlementsProbability", 0.400)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--vengenceProbabilityPercent", 0.04)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--chainVengenceCoefficient", 0.6)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--removeBloodParticles", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--fireSafety-flamethrower", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--rampantArsenalRebalance", true)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--unkillableLogisticRobots", false)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--unkillableConstructionRobots", false)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitBiterHealthScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitBiterHealingScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitBiterSpeedScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitBiterDamageScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitBiterRangeScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitSpitterHealthScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitSpitterHealingScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitSpitterSpeedScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitSpitterDamageScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitSpitterRangeScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitDroneHealthScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitDroneHealingScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitDroneSpeedScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitDroneDamageScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitDroneRangeScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitWormHealthScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitWormHealingScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitWormDamageScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitWormRangeScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitSpawnerHealthScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitSpawnerHealingScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitSpawnerOwnedScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitSpawnerSpawnScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitSpawnerRespawnScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitHiveRespawnScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitHiveHealthScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--unitHiveHealingScaler", 1.0)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--attackWaveGenerationUsePlayerProximity", true)
overwrite_settings("double-setting", "rampantFixed--attackPlayerThreshold", 20)
overwrite_settings("bool-setting", "rampantFixed--newEnemies", true)

1 year, 2 months ago

As far as I can see, you have a very large influence of the “power grid” and “lua garbage” on the UPS.
Moreover, it remains even if the entire base is deleted. Even when all pollution is removed

Replacing a fixed Rampant with a regular Rampant will not help you, because in the absence of passage and huge pollution it will lag greatly
I recommend removing the Rampant fixed. It doesn't do anything in this case, but removing the nests will give you some time before the power grid causes you to lag again.

What mod causes this, I can't even guess

1 year, 2 months ago
(updated 1 year, 2 months ago)

And yes also with the normal version it goes slowly also mor bad - not so extreme like with the fixed version but yes i can confirm this - i thing too much entitys at all. Yes the polution i now - it bring me only 4-5 FPS back.

What i totally not understand what happen with the electric power grid thing. I have (shift + b) delete in my "laboure" 3.000 power pools or so and get 10 FPS back but i dont understand - other bases have huge much more and not the problems. And also the debug time using say my electric system have now over 16 (so they droped fps) - But this is a so small base. There are nothing special. So whats happen here? But ok - this is not on you to figured out, you cant give me support for other problems. But im not understanding.

But for this mod, what can i do that the huge numbers of thousands of biters are in a ups friendly number? Is ther a way to say something like - dont spawn new biter if there are xy number at the same time? Maybe not more than 1.000 running biters maybe pathfinding is a problem - i have no idear im only search for reasons myself.

(I mean, the map have really not many space opend. Its a verry smal space with biter chunks at all in this save now. But it use 9 from the 16 point for 60FPS. So i dont thing this is right. I thing the AMD Ryzen 7 5700 can not be that bad). And nothing is running, no trains with ltn, no special big programming networks. I have not scanned 10 planets or have a gigabase or so. Its an absolut beginner base).

EDIT: OK WOW i have something important figuard out with the electic problem (the Entity problem is an other thing)
So i have an test area ingame (Blueprint Sandboxes: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/blueprint-sandboxes).

I have found it now! If i build 30.000 powerpools its totaly no problem with anything. BUT if i set 100 power pools and shift the cables away, i have massiv FPS drops - if i do the cable back, the drops are away- for me incomprehensible. It makes absolut no sense but yes. I will report this to the modder right now. --- I used the sandbox since years and never find out this earlier oh my gosh. https://ibb.co/Gkmp0Pf

So maybe there are also a not clear problem with rampant. if i deinstalled it, the entity drops gone. Maybe interaction at certain combinations or so.

New response