Rampant, fixed

Based on Rampant 1.1.1 (new AI and enemies). - New types of enemies - Works on SA planets, can control biters, demolishers, Gleba units - Can mutate existing nests - Can attack from afar - Improved search for a passage in the defense - Some new mechanics

10 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

b Fast Biters regenerate health at impossible rates?

2 years ago

Hi - since update, I've had to disable fast biters because they are regenerating health at an impossible rate. I watched a single Tier 5 biter sit in fire from 11 AP ammo turrets and 30 flame turrets, chewing down my walls while its health flickered.

Is this intended behavior or a bug? Thanks.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Checked, it works as intended.

Upd: yes, an error was found when combining short-range and long-range damage. Thank you for your feedback

Perhaps you are trying to attack a fast biter from a distance of 20+ and he does not have the ability to attack the source of damage. Some factions have the property of "long-range immunity " - this can be seen in the list of resistances.
The distance of "long-range" may differ from one faction to another.

The presence of this property is designed to solve 2 problems:
1. Countering cheat protection systems such as bob-plasma
2. Force the player to have a certain number of short-range turrets like "ammo-turret"

If this property interferes, then there are 2 ways to configure via startup settings :
1. Disable the property
2. Reduce the percentage of damage reduction from 100% to acceptable values

2 years ago

Fixed in 1.1.12 version

2 years ago

Thank you very much for your work on this - Rampant is one of the best things I liked about Factorio but kept having literaly dozens of hours of play sessions end in either an overwhelming tide of unfair bugs, or them just sitting around and doing nothing after a certain point in the game and being really lame. So much time wasted.

So far, my first few games with Rampant Fixed seem on the money (with the exception of some bugs... literally and metaphorically 😂

Thank you for your work Dimm!!

2 years ago

thanks to feedback, as well as streams, the mod is developing.
Enjoy )

2 years ago

Streams? Not sure what you're referring to there, but I did figure out what was happening for us.

The Fast Biter which was long-range immune was stuck on the other side of the water and just standing there getting shot. Because he was 100% immune to the range the damage was hitting him at, he was just sapping our resources while they fired ineffectually at him.

We just turned it off (as you suggested) and that works better for us. Thanks again Dimm.

New response