the log says that in addition to Rampant Fixed, there are also "krastorio" and "space exploration":
124.872 Checksum for script space-exploration/control.lua: 2684655492
124.909 Checksum for script Krastorio2/control.lua: 1047191108
what is happening does not look like a mistake of any mod.
It may be worth reinstalling factorio
Also, I don't quite understand what "space exploration" does to the main world:
128.304 Script @space-exploration/scripts/zone.lua:2042: Zone.zone_fix_all_tiles: planet Nauvis is_land 0 tiles changed surface_index 1 surface_name nauvis
Perhaps this also somehow affects the error, creating a situation unforeseen by the developers.
also,I recommend checking whether the save will load without mods at all
A more substantive answer is impossible without the provided save