Rampant, fixed

Based on Rampant 1.1.1 (new AI and enemies). - New types of enemies - Works on SA planets, can control biters, demolishers, Gleba units - Can mutate existing nests - Can attack from afar - Improved search for a passage in the defense - Some new mechanics

10 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

g game crushes

3 years ago

Game crushes at some point. Only with rampart fixed mod on. Log file - https://dropmefiles.com/d1YCf. Could someone please read it and say what's the problem? I don't understand a word.

3 years ago

the log says that in addition to Rampant Fixed, there are also "krastorio" and "space exploration":
124.872 Checksum for script space-exploration/control.lua: 2684655492
124.909 Checksum for script Krastorio2/control.lua: 1047191108

what is happening does not look like a mistake of any mod.
It may be worth reinstalling factorio

Also, I don't quite understand what "space exploration" does to the main world:
128.304 Script @space-exploration/scripts/zone.lua:2042: Zone.zone_fix_all_tiles: planet Nauvis is_land 0 tiles changed surface_index 1 surface_name nauvis

Perhaps this also somehow affects the error, creating a situation unforeseen by the developers.
also,I recommend checking whether the save will load without mods at all

A more substantive answer is impossible without the provided save

3 years ago

Thank you very much. Reinstalling worked.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

This is old but to let people know, SE has a crash on surfaces with rampant/rampant fixed. Its in its incompatibilities section on the wiki, you have to not have the new factions enabled (have vanilla biters or some other mods biters). The AI improvements and stuff work fine, its just the new factions spawning on surfaces. They may have fixed it by now but i dont think they have?

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

The internal differences between Rampant and Rampant Fixed, for almost half a year, have become so large that the errors of mods are also different...
I tested on maps with SE, there was no crash. You will need a save and a description of how to get an error

2 years ago

Oh yeah i guess that makes sense, they are probably really different on the inside now days. My K2+SE run i did the other month didnt cause any problems but again I followed the wiki and had all of rampant fixed new factions turned off with bobs enemies using its ai

New response