"18654.018 Error MainLoop.cpp:1284: Exception at tick 1: The mod The Ruins Mod (1.1.5) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.
Error while running event AbandonedRuins::on_tick (ID 0)
The mod Rampant, fixed (1.1.1) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.
Error while running event RampantFixed::script_raised_destroy (ID 79)
RampantFixed/libs/ChunkUtils.lua:614: attempt to index global 'universe' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
RampantFixed/libs/ChunkUtils.lua:614: in function 'entityForPassScan'
RampantFixed/control.lua:506: in function <RampantFixed/control.lua:496>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'destroy'
AbandonedRuins/spawning.lua:158: in function 'clear_area'
AbandonedRuins/spawning.lua:170: in function 'spawn_ruin'
AbandonedRuins/spawning.lua:184: in function 'spawn_random_ruin'
AbandonedRuins/control.lua:58: in function <AbandonedRuins/control.lua:53>"
Version 1.0.19 works perfectly fine with Abandonded Ruins, it's after patch 1.1.0 that this crash started to happen.