Rampant Evolution

by Veden

Changes evolution mechanic to allow for green play. All evolution parameters are configurable and retroactively work on-the-fly. Tries to balance evolution level with number of nests covered by pollution. Killing units reduces evolution. Sets vanilla map evolution factors to 0 in new game settings and can change existing save map evolution factors in mod settings. If you want the vanilla options still, use the mod settings in Rampant Evolution. Has stats for displaying evolution in game.

1 year, 6 months ago

b Evolution Doesnt Increase

3 years ago

Hi, I put this mod with rampant and a few others but I noticed it completely disabled evolution. No matter how many spawners I kill or how much pollution I produce, it stays at 0. Any idea why?

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hi, I put this mod with rampant and a few others but I noticed it completely disabled evolution. No matter how many spawners I kill or how much pollution I produce, it stays at 0. Any idea why?

Whats your modlist?

3 years ago

Hi, same problem. All evolution factors are set default to 0 in map generator with your mod.

3 years ago

Map factors should be zero. As they are set by script.
Next version of the mod has better balanced numbers.
I will take a look at your save and report back

3 years ago

Same problem that's not a problem. This should be explained in the mod description.

3 years ago

I thought pretty much every mod that messess with evo disables vanilla evolution factors?

3 years ago

added to the mod description.
The latest version should be able to display the parameters it is using to calculate evolution on an interval or through the console command /rampantEvolution

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

So should I keep those vanilla settings at 0 when configuring new game? It's still unclear at description page of this mod. Looks like setting e.g. 200 for time factor leads to evolution growth. But maybe someone would like to have it.

Does anyone have experience of long play with mod in DeathWorld settings? Is evolution growing or completely negated by hordes of killed attackers?
Mod idea is great, because vanilla is complete trash when playing Rampant new enemies + Rampant Industry fuel emissions.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

There is a time based evolution setting in the mod settings to use inplace of the vanilla settings. You can still use the vanilla factors, but then they wont be included in the stats for rampant evolution, changeable on the fly without something like the change map settings mod, and vanilla factors wont be included in the recalculating of evolution that Rampant Evolution does.

3 years ago

Thanks. I found time factor in /rampantEvolution, but didn't have a clue, that it's different instance of time factor... I thought time factor and spawner kill factor shown there are the common factors of Vanilla and your mod. Your comment really makes sense. And of course changeable factors are better in this situation. Thank you!
IMHO it's better to provide this information and this command at Mod Info page. It's crucial for understanding.

3 years ago

I noticed this too, that the evolution stayed at 0.0 for nearly the whole game of at least 200 hr. The only time I saw it bounce up above zero were:

Exploring far from base once and a forest fire started by fire spitters must have caused enough pollution to get to 1-2%, before dropping back down in less than a minute.

The big Rampant v2 update recently caused evolution to spike to 85% while recalculating changes (causing a lot of panic and havoc that luckily ended as quickly as it started). I kind of ignored the 0% evolution issue until this happened, then I started to dig into it again.

I did start the game with a large starting area, was relatively green, and killed spawners in my pollution cloud for first half of game. For latter half though I get an small, easily deflected, pollution induced attack about once a minute once I stopped caring about pollution.

The /rampantEvolution command was informative:

0%: Current Evolution
18.54%: Tile Absorbed Pollution Contribution
-631.26%: Tree Absorbed Pollution Contribution
82.46%: Tree Damaged by Pollution Contribution
15.42%: Spawner Absorbed Pollution Contribution
2%: Killed Spawners Contribution
-0.01%: Killed Units Contribution
(Rest were zero)

Maybe I will play with setting for tree absorbed pollution, after installing some nontrivial defenses.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Aaaah, there is passive free of charge evolution decrease via trees. That's bad. So huge for 200+ hr game, making everything else not useful.
Fortunately everything can be changed in settings. I'll zero trees negation (from -8 to 0) and balance out biter kill evo decrease from -10 to -100. Probably should help.
In my humble opinion the main goal is to make evolution work correctly when there are a lot of nests to purge. In vanilla I was forced to set it to shameful 35 units to survive in early game (enemy bases frequency and size = 200%, and Rampant biters re-spawn very often after nests purge almost doubling evolution increase). While in late game it's too small value and too boring after evolution exceeds 80%. Hope this mod will add "balancing feedback" to evolution mechanics.

3 years ago

I tried this mod. Here is situation after first 70 minutes of play (Deathworld Rampant) https://imgur.com/a/cbK9j92
Then I changed "per tree absorbed pollution" from +1 to -1 and "per biter unit killed" from -20 to -30. And evolution went down from 6% to 0.5%. In statistics it cut "per spawner absorbed pollution", "per tile absorbed" and "per tree damaged" decreasing their contributions from 2% to 0.1% each.

3 years ago

Similar (but scaled out) effect of lost evolution after recalculating:

2 years ago

how much time did you allow to pass when taking the screenshots after adjusting the values?

2 years ago

Several minutes - not more than 10 minutes. But it was very early game. Later recalculations work much-much better (when more biters killed, more nests purged, more pollution absorbed by tiles, trees, nests) - in other thread I wrote other experience notes, where regular recalculations allowed me to fix some strange %% problems.

2 years ago

So I suppose that the screenshot https://imgur.com/a/W5BohNH is about some abnormal extreme percentage for pollution absorbed by spawners and trees. Later the same happens for spawners and biters killed - recalculation halves percentage and after 30 minutes values are kept almost the same (unless I go and kill some more biters and spawners).

2 years ago

Was a bug around not updating counts which lead to increasingly large evolution jumps

New response