Rampant Arsenal

by Veden

Adds a variety of weapons to wage war. Adds Additional Turrets, Ammo Types, Landmines, Equipment, Capsules, Walls, Vehicles, Infinite Technologies

2 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g "Bio Magazine" and "Bio Shotgun Shells" have problems

2 years ago

When only "Rampant Industry mod" is enabled,
The game shows that "Bio Magazine" and "Bio Shotgun Shells" have 300 poison damage per second,
After the follower research bonus, there will be 2K poison damage per second
Is the damage real?
This damage is too powerful for bullets.

2 years ago

Yes, it's real. Check other thread. I reduced it for my games - it's one line fix.
But the same is for fire shells and bullets and can't be easily fixed, requires implementing a dedicated effect.

2 years ago

this is on my todo list.

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