Rampant Arsenal

by Veden

Adds a variety of weapons to wage war. Adds Additional Turrets, Ammo Types, Landmines, Equipment, Capsules, Walls, Vehicles, Infinite Technologies

2 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b advanced lab and others gone

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Hi !
Havent played for 3 weeks.

Now after loading my world I am missing the advanved lab and all the new power generators added with the mod.

Have these items been removed ?

Even when starting a new game they dont show up. (oil burner, adv. lab, adv. solar ... )

Edit: I found out that these items have been moved to another mod !

4 years ago

What now was it moved to the research labs and fluid containers I mean

New response