Rampant Arsenal

by Veden

Adds a variety of weapons to wage war. Adds Additional Turrets, Ammo Types, Landmines, Equipment, Capsules, Walls, Vehicles, Infinite Technologies

2 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

i Reduce particle count of cannon explosions

5 years ago

Hello. I love this mod and went out to explore a bit using Personal Cannon Defense, and suddenly I got a rampant lag. Turned on debug mode and saw the particle quantity on explosions and... well, I took a screenshot for your amusement. https://prnt.sc/q7946t

Can something be done about it?

5 years ago

Yes this is something that can probably be tuned.

I can put it on the todo list.

4 years ago

This should be better in the latest

4 years ago

Been out of this website for a while and missed this notification. Thank you sir!

New response