I got this same issue, uploaded a save file here: https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?p=585047#p585047
I believe the issue is because in the middle of a game with both Natural Enemies Evolution and Rampant I turned off all of the Rampant factions. (World: Acidic Biter Faction - Disabled, etc).
I got it to stop crashing by changing BaseUtils.lua:238 to:
local factionAlignment = UPGRADE_LOOKUP[baseAlignment]
if not factionAlignment then
return originalEntity.name
local factionLookup = UPGRADE_LOOKUP[baseAlignment][t]
but that's with 0 experience in lua and 0 understanding of your mod code so I'm not exactly sure how much I'm breaking with that change
Version of rampant: currently 3.3.2 (or 3.3.3? I have the 2 day old version but it seems to have an invalid version number) but before it crashed I had I think 3.3.0
What is your map evolution: 0.400488
Was Rampant added at the start of a game: yes
What mods are you using? (Listed in the forum post)