or turn up the adaptation modifier?
turn down this modifier or kill more biters (4500 biters required by default. I have to kill 25k by 20% evolution on medium map start difficulty and 40k by the same moment on high difficulty, therefore I have to triple this modifier to avoid mutations taking place too early)
I also tried loading up a sandbox world, speeding up the game 10x, setting the evolution to 100%, and killed a bunch of them with a spidertron and I didn't see any new mutations spawning. Is there any way I can test the mutations?
Higher evolution demands even more biters to be killed for adaptation mutation to happen. Set evolution on some early-mid game value like 30% (not less than 20 and not higher than 45%), set AI:Adaption Modifier to 0.001 , save map settings, check that mod settings for current map were saved correctly and go kill 10 biters.