
by Veden

Improves the enemies tactics by using potential fields (pheromones) allowing probing of defenses, retreats, reinforcements, counterattacking, breaching, raids, rallying death cry, and player hunting. Uses blockable biter projectiles. Adds new Enemies which can be disabled in mod settings. Difficulty setting in mod options menu.

1 year, 5 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

b Multiplayer and Singleplayer point gains and/or refunding issues.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

The version of Rampant = 2.2.0
What is your map evolution = 0.67
Was Rampant added at the start of a game = Yes

Okay, so me and and my friend tried Rampant with these mods. Robot Army, Unit Control, Resource Spawner Overhaul, Rampant, Even Distribution, Bullet Trails, Bob's Enemies and Armoured Biters. So pretty much vanilla game, with biter overhaul mod list, with robot army mixed in.

Couple things I've noticed when I played with my friend, so usually I use rampant in my singleplayer games, no issues whatsoever but when I tried them with my friend in multiplayer, I started to see some inconsistencies.

I have a control save, which is able to prove this. Start a multiplayer game, bring a friend and try to play, that save for around 10 minutes. It should go like this.

So at the start of the save, you will see, that rampant has around 5000 points and it's in raiding State, it's attacking our factory from multiple directions, going for our hardpoints. But at some point, it starts getting more and more points and I think it has something to do with the squad recycling mechanic. Since it starts getting more and more points, even thought we are losing next to nothing and it's getting way too many points, for killing next to nothing or from somewhere else.

I think Rampant points should be getting lower, if we manage to hold the line and killing all the biters, that are attacking, while we are losing almost nothing (We are losing some walls, but that's negligible) But, the points just keep increasing and it's just a war of attrition with opponent having unlimited resources.

So After about 5-10 minutes or so, after start of the control save, Rampant points have risen to 10k or 15k points, during raiding state and keep increasing, even thought, we have lost next to nothing, while the lines hold. Eventually our turrets will run out of ammunition and biters will breakthrough.

Now then, the interesting part.

I tried the same in singleplayer and the points steadily get lower and lower and I think it's supposed to work that way. Rampant runs out of points at some point, in which, the attacks stop or slow down to much more manageable level. I "win" that state.

Then we tried the same control save again in Multiplayer and same issues occur, Rampant gets more and more points, even thought, we are holding the line and everything happenes pretty much same, as it happened in singleplayer. I'm almost 100% sure it has something to do with multiplayer side of things.

If there's anyone else with same issues, I actually managed to alleviate or even fix the problem. It seems to happen less regularly, if the wave size is lower than 150. I had wave size 600, because I love huge screen size swarms, but it seems to cause issues in the multiplayer. We tried the control save again in multiplayer, with the wave size set to 150 and Rampant points steadily got lower and lower until it hit zero. But even now, it happens much faster in singleplayer. Most likely the issue has something to do with the number of biters and multiplayer.

Bug Control Save

Mods folder for the Control Save

Another thing, that I noticed. If biters destroy a wall segment, it prints out message "Points gained +3" or something , but the amount of points it actually gains is much higher than that (In my game it's 24, so 7 wall segments destroyed, equals one squad. Add that + AoE acid spitters and no repair robots yet, so it's kinda dangerous.) Is that intended and is there a modifier to it and is there anyway to modify it?. I'd rather enemy not receive points for destroying walls but getting much more for destroying turrets and other stuff, that actually matters.

2 years ago

The next version will include a small point penalty (0.5) for each unit destroyed by the player.

Also the squads spawned by the vanilla AI when the max number of squads have been reached will no longer refund points to the AI.

Currently no way to set the points on a wall being destroyed. I can double check the numbers for point gain as well.

When you run the game, do you just stand around in the same spot and do nothing during both the single and multiplayer game?

New response