
by Veden

Improves the enemies tactics by using potential fields (pheromones) allowing probing of defenses, retreats, reinforcements, counterattacking, breaching, raids, rallying death cry, and player hunting. Uses blockable biter projectiles. Adds new Enemies which can be disabled in mod settings. Difficulty setting in mod options menu.

1 year, 2 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Enemies not attacking

3 years ago

Similar issue to what qwimgaming was experiencing in his "extremely slow expansion" thread. Enemies simply just dont attack unless you go up to them directly. They seem to expand and create new nests, but no matter how close they are to your base, as long as you personally arent there, they wont attack. They just sit around and eat pollution. Tried with default and death world settings. RitnTeleportation mod is one that might be causing the issue as it creates multiple world spawns, but havent checked.

3 years ago

This version of rampant 1.0.4
factorio is 1.1
also using mods: Aircraft, AlienBiomes, Atomic Artillery, Atomic Artillery remote, Barbed Spikes, better air filtering, big brother, bottleneck, electric furnaces, factorio libraray, infinite resources, land mover, lighted electric poles, lovely_santas library of knowledge, packing tape, quality of life research, rampant arsenal, reinforced walls, research progress frame, RitnTeleportation, RocketTurrets, Sapling capsule, searchlight, shield generators, side inserters, squeak through, tree collision, water turret, water well, and wood walls

3 years ago

Awww sad that this is still a problem. I had a really bad experience with this mod putting 50+ hours in to a game only to get close to the middle / end and discover completely nothing from the enemies anymore. I was thinking about doing another Krastorio2 run and wanted to see if this had been fixed; I guess not.

3 years ago

Without a save this can't get fixed.

3 years ago

I'm also experiencing extremely slow expansion (as far as I can tell, there has been absolutely 0 expansion even with me prodding the hell out of the mechanics to stimulate one, 5 minute expansion cooldown ect) I have some other mods installed as well. I do not have RitnTeleportation though. How can I go about getting you a copy of my save so you can check it out Veden? Now that my base is a tiny bit defensible I want it to be like starship troopers and ptsd panic attacks all day long.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

You can get your save out of %appdata%/factorio/saves and upload it somewhere. To upload I use https://mega.nz/ (it's free).

What is your /evolution output and /time output?

In my experience unless you've got hives nearby that you're feeding pollution to then expansion directly toward/near your base is mostly a very slow burn. Veden will have to let us know if this is intended or not.

This is our oldest wall (from basically the start of the game) and this is what it looks like at 96.6% evo, 1d 17h playtime (https://i.imgur.com/hRjAFBv.png). I think we fought the bugs here maybe 1 or 2 times to kill some hives. You can see it's not completely filled in:


I think most of the "surrounded StarShip Troopers" vibe you can get from Rampant is mostly from expanding out far from your start zone where the nests are thick to begin with. These West walls are our newest and furthest from start point walls:


I can recommend the following settings:

For Enemy settings during map generation (if you haven't set them already):
=> Min group size: 10 (Default 5)
=> Min cooldown: 1 (Default 4)
=> Max cooldown: 5 (Default 60)

The latest Rampant also has an option for "AI: Enable Peaceful" which you can disable. This will set the biters to Migrating instead whenever they would have rolled peaceful.

You can use this in the console as an objective way to count the number of nests on your map:
local ct = 0;
for i, enemy in pairs(game.get_surface("nauvis").find_entities_filtered{force = "enemy"}) do

if (enemy.type == "unit-spawner") then
    ct = ct + 1;

game.print("Found " .. ct .. " nests");

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