
by Veden

Improves the enemies tactics by using potential fields (pheromones) allowing probing of defenses, retreats, reinforcements, counterattacking, breaching, raids, rallying death cry, and player hunting. Uses blockable biter projectiles. Adds new Enemies which can be disabled in mod settings. Difficulty setting in mod options menu.

1 year, 2 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Significant FPS/UPS loss

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Hey, like the mod, but I get a signigicant FPS/UPS loss. Going down towards 30. When I turn off mod, i am back towards 60.
(Semi late game, quite a way from main base)

4 years ago

Without a save this doesn't help solve the problem.

3 years ago

From what I can gather from my own games , atleast a major if not the major cause is the unit launcher Spitters, they cause tremendous UPS loss, I have also noted some weird occasions when Spitters attacking rails (with building safety on), they get stuck auto attacking the rails and causing drops in performance.

Hope that helps, it would be awesome a way to turn off a few of the enemy types, I'd turn off Unit launcher Spitters in everyone of my games.

3 years ago

I think toward the late game there's just too many biters on the map. If there was possibly a way to delete the defender biters for the nests very far away from your base it may help reduce the UPS tax. When we run /c game.forces["enemy"].kill_all_units() to kill all biters and spitters our UPS flies back up to 60 and slowly degrades as everything re-spawns. We tend to run it on a loop every 10 minutes after the map gets too big and UPS lowers.

I'd be interested to know if the spawner/purple biters are particularly bad for UPS but I wouldn't really know how to objectively test it.

Anyway, you can disable any faction you want in Rampant's start up settings.

3 years ago

Heroiner are you using Natural Evolution Enemies?

3 years ago

Heroiner are you using Natural Evolution Enemies?

Yes, I am just dumb, sorry for wasting your time, wasn't realizing that I had two different mods of biter types, NEE unit launcher spitters where creating huge lag spikes when they engaged my walls, had to disable them, dropped me from a cool 60 fps to 7 or 8 really quick, it has been impossible for me to join both Rampant and NEE green biters faction, idk if that is something u guys can work out between you two.

PS: I have been enjoying Rampant and Rampant arsenal with my first run of Krastorio 2 and Space Exploration, been driving me nuts, but very addicting,.
Great work u have done here, thank you!

3 years ago

I think toward the late game there's just too many biters on the map. If there was possibly a way to delete the defender biters for the nests very far away from your base it may help reduce the UPS tax. When we run /c game.forces["enemy"].kill_all_units() to kill all biters and spitters our UPS flies back up to 60 and slowly degrades as everything re-spawns. We tend to run it on a loop every 10 minutes after the map gets too big and UPS lowers.

I'd be interested to know if the spawner/purple biters are particularly bad for UPS but I wouldn't really know how to objectively test it.

Anyway, you can disable any faction you want in Rampant's start up settings.

Yeah I actually had never changed the startup settings before, I thought u had to restart the game, not just reload the save xD, thanks for the tip btw, managed to turn my save actually playable

3 years ago

I also just had this error happen to me, no idea from what.

The mod Rampant (1.0.6) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Rampant::on_tick (ID 0)
Rampant/libs/BaseUtils.lua:145: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
Rampant/libs/BaseUtils.lua:145: in function <Rampant/libs/BaseUtils.lua:128>
(...tail calls...)
Rampant/libs/BaseUtils.lua:281: in function 'upgradeEntity'
Rampant/libs/ChunkUtils.lua:246: in function 'initialScan'
Rampant/libs/ChunkProcessor.lua:101: in function 'processPendingChunks'
Rampant/control.lua:945: in function <Rampant/control.lua:927>

3 years ago

It's from removing a faction mid playthrough if it has hives on the map. It's on Veden's radar.

I can edit the 1.0.6 source to give you a workaround if you want. You can also just re-enable the factions you've disabled to continue playing in the meantime.

See some details in this thread and let me know if you want me to set this up for you: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Rampant/discussion/6063123ee0e3868a807463d8

3 years ago

If u could edit the save that would be awesome!

There was a couple of factions I did not want to remove but was forced to, it is a shame there is not a mod setting button u can check to change the resistances of the factions from 100% to 95%, I get fire biters that are just a bit away from the turret range but are in range of attacking my walls and the flamethrowes, I spend hundreds of thousands of napalm fluid in these unkillable fire demons before I manually check around the map for these little gits to get an arty salvo to the face. Or alternatively if it was possible to add just a tad of poison damage to the flamethrowers to count for the gigantic amounts of toxic gases I am unleashing on these gits while they take a bath in fiery napalm, making it so that they aren't completely immune to flamethrowers, just hugely expensive...

3 years ago

How do you want me to send u the save?

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I posted in the other thread on how to apply the workaround.

New response