
by Veden

Improves the enemies tactics by using potential fields (pheromones) allowing probing of defenses, retreats, reinforcements, counterattacking, breaching, raids, rallying death cry, and player hunting. Uses blockable biter projectiles. Adds new Enemies which can be disabled in mod settings. Difficulty setting in mod options menu.

1 year, 2 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Every Biter on map attacks at once?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

This may be a strange question but, how do you stop what seems to be every biter on the map from attacking at the same time? We have tried turning AI: Enable Raiding AI off as that looks like the most likely candidate but we still get attacks that seem to come from the entire map at once and we can tell when it's coming because we loose all the frame rate. it's to a level that I'm not even sure how you would survive with vanilla and Rampant AI being the only things on the map.

This may be silly question since we are playing with pyanodons mods too but thought it best to check :)

Edit: we just rushed a base quickly and we seem to have "reset" AI to reconsider sending the whole map to us
Edit2: Okay that didn't stop them for long...


4 years ago

Most likely the siege AI you are experiencing. I can try to narrow the region biters are generated from at a given interval.

Not sure what vanilla and Rampant means when you say that you play with Py.

Isn't Py have something like 30 buildings for the most basic of things and more complex things are quite a bit more than the basic things.

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