Rail Signal Planner

[QoL] Automatically place rail signals on rails and intersections.

5 days ago
0.17 - 2.0
Logistics Trains

g Rail Signal Distance not being respected

15 days ago
(updated 15 days ago)

Here's a screenshot of some basic train station setup that I was designing real quick: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3zxb7tqfuc7ny9hsc9ugm/BEFORE-Screenshot-2024-12-11-200457.png?rlkey=zrlff54shu9u9jt5yd0z8ekfq&dl=0

Here is what is shown in the settings window for this mod: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fjxn07xlzki5za5qqgskv/SETTINGS-Screenshot-2024-12-11-200719.png?rlkey=cbmzvl0ykxbl4ppd2q8h284ai&dl=0

When I use the rail signal planner and click+drag over this entire thing, notice how the rail signals on the bottom set of rails are 20 tiles apart, not 27 (as I would expect, based on the settings): https://www.dropbox.com/s/u9rmf6tj1a7ltj3/USING%20RAIL%20PLANNER%20-%20Recording%202024-12-11%20200943.mp4?dl=0

Is this a bug, or am I misunderstanding what the "Rail signal distance" or "Train length" are supposed to signify?

15 days ago
(updated 15 days ago)

I saw in the FAQ about odd vs even numbered tiles, but this seems to be several tiles off from what I'd expect, even if we factor that in.

5 days ago

Yes, shouldn't happen. Will investigate.

New response