[QoL] Automatically place rail signals on rails and intersections.
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Augmented or new ways of transporting materials - belts, inserters, pipes!
Trains are great, but what if they could do even more?
Here's a screenshot of some basic train station setup that I was designing real quick: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3zxb7tqfuc7ny9hsc9ugm/BEFORE-Screenshot-2024-12-11-200457.png?rlkey=zrlff54shu9u9jt5yd0z8ekfq&dl=0
Here is what is shown in the settings window for this mod: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fjxn07xlzki5za5qqgskv/SETTINGS-Screenshot-2024-12-11-200719.png?rlkey=cbmzvl0ykxbl4ppd2q8h284ai&dl=0
When I use the rail signal planner and click+drag over this entire thing, notice how the rail signals on the bottom set of rails are 20 tiles apart, not 27 (as I would expect, based on the settings): https://www.dropbox.com/s/u9rmf6tj1a7ltj3/USING%20RAIL%20PLANNER%20-%20Recording%202024-12-11%20200943.mp4?dl=0
Is this a bug, or am I misunderstanding what the "Rail signal distance" or "Train length" are supposed to signify?
I saw in the FAQ about odd vs even numbered tiles, but this seems to be several tiles off from what I'd expect, even if we factor that in.
Yes, shouldn't happen. Will investigate.