Rail Signal Planner

[QoL] Automatically place rail signals on rails and intersections.

1 year, 2 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Logistics Trains

b GUI Not Appearing in 1.1

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Like the similar bugs, the configuration GUI does not appear in 1.1 even though the tool does place things (it specifically seems to default to chain signals only, even if you have both in your inventory) down with whatever the default behavior is.

EDIT: digging into the code, it appears that the default settings (which I cannot see or interact with without the GUI popping up), are this (from settings.lua):
local default_settings = {
["rail_signal_item"] = "rail-signal",
["rail_chain_signal_item"] = "rail-chain-signal",
["train_length"] = 13,
["rail_signal_distance"] = 8

I am attempting to manually set these, like so:

  • Make a backup copy of your current copy of the mod, on windows is is %appdata%\Roaming\Factorio\mods\RailSignalPlanner_1.1.0.zip copy it to anywhere you like, I suggest your Desktop. If you are on something besides windows, you probably know where the equivalent directory is, but these instructions are straightforward enough that you can wing it (hopefully).

  • Unzip RailSignalPlanner_1.1.0.zip to a directory of your choosing, I am going with RailSignalPlanner_1.1.0

  • Open up this file in a text editor (Emacs or Notepad++ are fine): RailSignalPlanner_1.1.0\scripts\settings.lua

  • At the beginning of the file, change the lines of interest; for me that would be train length (I use single-headed trains with 1 Locomotive and 4 Wagons behind it, thus 1+4=5 Wagons long): " ["train_length"] = 13," is replaced with " ["train_length"] = 5,"

  • Ensure your changes are saved

  • Rezip up the folder (RailSignalPlanner_1.1.0 in this example); name it RailSignalPlanner_1.1.0.zip

  • Copy it into the mods directory, allowing it to overwrite your old version, named this: %appdata%\Roaming\Factorio\mods\RailSignalPlanner_1.1.0.zip

  • Start up Factorio and make sure your changes seem to have been applied. If you messed up, move your backup copy to its original location, and undo your changes.

  • Note however, that these edits will be overwritten next time this mod updates.

I am testing this to see if the mod is working at all under the hood, or if it is being strange in addition to not showing the GUI on 1.1.
RESULT: Seems to have worked for me. GUI doesn't show up, but my changes seemed to work well enough. The only thing I would say is that the planner is much more correct for one-way rails and their intersections, whereas two-way rails are a little iffy. It sometimes guesses wrong. If this GUI ever gets fixed, I suggest a future addition could be: how long are your trains, are they double-headed, and do you want to keep two-way rails or one-way? Nevermind, I forgot to hold shift.

2 years ago

I also can't open the rail signal planner GUI.
If I right-click the rail signal planner, the GUI of the module inserter open instead.

1 year, 5 months ago

GUI should show up when you right click the signal in your inventory. Is that not the case?

(it specifically seems to default to chain signals only, even if you have both in your inventory)

It can't know which side of the rails you want to place signals, so it defaults to bidirectional. Place one signal on the rails already to indicate which direction to trains go

New response