Rail Signal Planner

[QoL] Automatically place rail signals on rails and intersections.

5 days ago
0.17 - 2.0
Logistics Trains

b Error while changing train length

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

same thing just happened to me. I also noticed that the rail signal is not populating when trying to use the tool. only the chain signal is populating.

3 years ago

Extract the RailSignalPlanner_1.1.0.zip
Delete the zip file
Go into the folder you just created by extracting the zip
Go into the gui folder
Open signal_tool_gui.lua
Change line 84 to read:
event.element.parent.wagon_length_textfield.text = tostring(event.element.slider_value)
Change line 86 to read:
event.element.parent.parent.train_length_flow.train_length_textfield.text = tostring(7*slider_value - 1)

Should get it working.

3 years ago

Yes, Error on Chang:

Error while running event RailSignalPlanner::on_gui_value_changed (ID 87)
RailSignalPlanner/gui/signal_tool_gui.lua:84: bad argument #1 of 2 to 'newindex' (string expected, got number)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function '__newindex'
/gui/signal_tool_gui.lua:84: in function <RailSignalPlanner/gui/signal_tool_gui.lua:80>

3 years ago

I updated the lines now crashing my game did not resolve issue.

2 years ago

Fixed in 1.1.1

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