
Adds the ability to send any and all circuit network signals wirelessly.

1 year, 3 months ago
Circuit network

g How do you select a channel on the transmitter?

2 years ago

I'm trying to get a transmitter and receiver to pick up signals but there seems to be no way to select a channel. Its not clear how to get these two entities communicating.

2 years ago

Ok, I see how the shortwave radios seem to talk to each other on general or channel mode. So what purpose do the taller transmitter serve?

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Ok, I see how the shortwave radios seem to talk to each other on general or channel mode. So what purpose do the taller transmitter serve?

Levels T 1-3 increase the range of transmission / reception of the signal, which can be configured in the mod settings

1 year, 11 months ago
(updated 1 year, 11 months ago)

:-) I'm at the same, after 10 minutes fiddle ... shortwave radio T1 is sending on a channel and other shortwave radio T1 is receiving ... cool.. i think i will use it

now the same question:

So what purpose do the taller transmitter serve? the "radio based circuit network transmitter T1"

UPDATE: ok ok ....seems the "transmitter" is like a hub or broadcaster .... without a transmitter there is no signal on the receiving radio ... if i place a trasmitter then the radio is receiving .. mhm maybe the idea is like a TV-Tower ... all radios needs connection to the tower then they form a network (?)

but then next question, i can hook up red and green wire on the transmitter ... but see no signal und cant sent a signal ... what is the purpose?

maybe it would help to expand the description of the mod, the images do not seem self-explanatory

i think its a realy valuable mod

1 year, 11 months ago

the transmitter is used as a TV tower, that's right
with the next updates, signal transmission to the transmitter itself will be implemented, will use a common channel
transmitters create a network between themselves if one transmitter reaches the other, otherwise it creates another

11 months ago

transmitter is repeater? 2 Shortwaves can communicate to each other without transmitter? I have similar trouble - can't select channel on the transmitter

11 months ago

Oh my God, this is a very non-obvious way to configure it... But I figured it out thanks to the previous commentator. Both the transmitter and receiver of the signal are shortwave radio. Transmitter T1 - REPEATER, or HUB. Without it, it doesn’t work even if the two are standing next to each other.

11 months ago

Oh my God, this is a very non-obvious way to configure it... But I figured it out thanks to the previous commentator. Both the transmitter and receiver of the signal are shortwave radio. Transmitter T1 - REPEATER, or HUB. Without it, it doesn’t work even if the two are standing next to each other.

Hello, nothing works without a transmitter. And yes, the transmitter and receiver use the same technology. But the receiver communicates with the transmitter, and the transmitter communicates with other receivers.
Receiver -> Transmitter (Hub) -> All other receivers.
As stated above, the Transmitter works like a TV tower.

11 months ago

Да, я уже теперь разобрался :) но лучше отразить это в описании, интуитивно не очень понятно :))))

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