Heya I found a bug The mod RPG System (2.0.2) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.
Error while running event RPGsystem::on_entity_died (ID 4)
LuaEntity belongs to surface vulcanus (index 6) but a LuaEntity belonging to surface nauvis (index 1) was expected.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'damage'
RPGsystem/control.lua:1389: in function 'ShockNear'
RPGsystem/control.lua:1363: in function 'CheckRPGMagic'
RPGsystem/control.lua:1316: in function 'GetXPByKill'
RPGsystem/control.lua:1414: in function <RPGsystem/control.lua:1398>
I was remote driving a tank at the time of this bug, killing biters