I really enjoy your mod, however I use it with Clusterio and I would love to modify PlayerManager (which syncs player data between servers) to include the player levels that players have picked, so that when players travel between Clusterio servers, their RPG stats follow them.
I would like if possible some sort of new interface that allows me to capture a players RPG stats such as:
1) Current Player XP
2) Selected Bonuses and their level
3) Any sort of settings a player has picked related to your mod
Perhaps this could return a table that contains all player information in an easy to use format, such as:
player.bonuses.crafting_speed = 2 (the bonus level)
Also another interface to change their bonuses would be really useful, either by calling RPG to update each bonus at a time, or to have the ability to supply many bonuses in a table format and update them all at once.
Thanks :)