
Pymod edition of a Sea Block style game

1 year, 4 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

b tar -> borax+niobium recipie misnamed, some FNEI quirks as well

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)


the visible name for { 50 tar, 500 water } -> { 10 raw borax, 10 niobium ore, 500 tailings, 150 flue gas, 200 saline water } is "Copper ore and Iron ore from Tar"

aside from that, an FNEI search for things that produce raw borax, or cycling to the third recipie that produces niobium ore will close out the FNEI window

5 years ago

the FNEI issue seems to be some recipes that do not have a mining_time

5 years ago

ill look into and see if i can figure it out. i have little exp with fnei so it might take a bit of time. if you find any other recipes that have issues with it please post them as it'll help me fix it

5 years ago

will do. the stack traceback for the FNEI issue looks like:

2322697 [FNEI][ERROR] <FNCustomEvents> FNEI: event main choose-elem-button item return error!
2322697 [FNEI][ERROR] <FNCustomEvents> LuaRecipe doesn't contain key mining_time.
stack traceback:
FNEI/scripts/recipe/gui.lua:290: in function 'set_made_in_list'
FNEI/scripts/recipe/controller.lua:90: in function 'draw_recipe'
FNEI/scripts/recipe/controller.lua:314: in function 'change_page_event'
FNEI/scripts/recipe/controller.lua:70: in function 'open_new_recipes'
FNEI/scripts/recipe/controller.lua:28: in function 'open'
FNEI/scripts/controller.lua:111: in function 'open_gui_event'
FNEI/scripts/controller.lua:102: in function 'open_event'
FNEI/scripts/main/controllers/fnei.lua:92: in function 'cur_event'
FNEI/scripts/custom_events.lua:65: in function <FNEI/scripts/custom_events.lua:64>
[C]: in function 'pcall'
FNEI/scripts/custom_events.lua:64: in function 'invoke'
FNEI/scripts/events.lua:75: in function <FNEI/scripts/events.lua:72>

5 years ago

recipe name issue is in pycoalprocessing, it does not fixup the other entries in localised_name after it clones over into tailings-borax-niobium. pycoalprocessing_1.0.14/prototypes/recipes/tailings-recipes.lua

haven't spotted anything yet digging through pycoal, pyblock, and pyrawores around borax or niobium as far as a minable that fogot mining_time

5 years ago

after extracting and trying a few things with debug prints, it looks like FNEI is managing to get an empty recipe in the list for raw-borax and niobium-ore, associated with the borax-mine and niobium-mine respectively.

when clicking through for niobium, it sees
tailings-borax-niobium, in buildings
imposter-minable:niobium, in niobium-mine, with a well formed recipe
niobium-ore, in niobium-mine, with a recipe that prints as { "__self": , }

This is admittedly probably better routed to either the FNEI fellow or pyanodon

pycoalprocessing/prototypes/recipes/coal-processing-recipes.lua adds recipes for raw-borax and niobium-ore, with their categories connecting them to the borax-mine and niobium-mine. pycoalprocessing has both a recipe-category and a resource-category for both "borax" and "niobium", and FNEI doesn't handle that well

the extra recipes are the upgraded ones, raw-borax is 150 syngas for 5, vs 50 syngas for a 70% chance of 3 on the minable
niobium is 70 syngas and the drill-head for 12 on the recipe, 60 syngas for 1 on the minable

5 years ago

fwiw, the FNEI issue can be worked around by disabling the categories in the FNEI gui

posted in the discussions over there about that one

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