Progressive Running (smooth acceleration) deprecated

Accelerate progressively when starting to run: useful when your max speed is high due to exoskeletons and concrete, and you want to precisely position your character.

4 years ago
0.13 - 0.18

g Will this be updated for 0.17?

5 years ago


OhChirpy β˜†
5 years ago

BinBinHfr graciously allowed me to upload a pretty much unchanged update for 0.17. I plan to add settings for the acceleration and starting speed next.

5 years ago

I'm not sure if it's possible, but you might want to look into how latency affects this mod. In the past, when I was connected to someone else's game remotely, it accelerated in a very jerky way. Naturally, it's just fine local.

OhChirpy β˜†
5 years ago

Behind the scenes, the mod subscribes to the on_tick event and keeps adjusting the walking speed while the avatar is moving. I can imagine that this doesn't play well with latency hiding in multiplayer, where your client shows you where it thinks it will be until it gets an update by the server with the real position, and the server in turn probably has a different idea about it all because it receives input events later.

Unless I have a brilliant idea or there's something new in the factorio API I haven't seen yet, I don't think I can fix that.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

As most of my mods, this mod was designed for MP and tested under MP on a headless server, but do not forget that every player is supposed to have the mod installed. Of course in case of hight network latency, this mod heavily using on_tick will have latency problems...

New response