I'm having an issue with this mod making Factorio become unresponsive. I've disabled all other mods and can still recreate the problem, along with the log/debug info I can safely assume it is this mod. The best that I've been able to recreate this issue is while using this mod, if I lay down a blueprint that has two staggered rail 90s that intersect at the bottom and curve to the right and up when the intersection point doesn't have a straight section where they meet, I will get a loop from the Action Script:
function Actions.checkAreaForEntityToPower(surface, force, area)
local entities = surface.find_entities_filtered{area=area, force=force}
local largestEntity, largestPowerPoleSize = Actions.Filters.findLargestEntity(entities)
if largestEntity then
-- If a larger entity was found, then we are under something and should be looking at the larger entity, so zoom out to it
local largestEntitySelectionBox = largestEntity["selection_box"]
if not Util.isEqualBoundingBox(area, largestEntitySelectionBox) then
Util.traceLog("Found a larger entity, zooming out to " .. largestEntity["name"])
return Actions.checkAreaForEntityToPower(surface, force, largestEntitySelectionBox)
that causes >350,000 loops in less than 15 seconds as seen by turning on debug and seeing this message repeating:
Script @Powered_Entities/scripts/actions.lua:143: Found a larger entity, zooming out to entity-ghost
I have screenshots of the blueprint and orientation that I can upload to your GitHub if that would help. This just started with version 4.0 and I've been able to recreate it consistently with the conditions described. There were some other instances that it occurred but I wasn't able to narrow those down as easily.