Power Satellites

by LCStark

Adds power satellites, which can be launched with the rocket silo to generate power and beam it down to receiver stations.

13 hours ago
1.1 - 2.0

b [Solved?] Power Satellite Crash

3 days ago
(updated 3 days ago)

Me and my friend were launching power Satellites in Space Age when I accidentally misclicked and sent the satellite to a space platform, I attempted to send it back down to send it back up properly and it crashed the server we were on and corrupted the save file.

Im on 0.2.3, with the latest version of Space Age and Base.

13 hours ago

Looks like they've made the cargo pod events work for platform-launched pods as well, which was causing the problem. I've added a guard to ignore launches from platforms, that should solve your issue. Thanks for reporting it!

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