Power Satellites

by LCStark

Adds power satellites, which can be launched with the rocket silo to generate power and beam it down to receiver stations.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
1 year, 1 month ago
Latest Version:
0.2.3 (a month ago)
Factorio version:
1.1 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
1.99K users

Experimental version

This mod is currently in experimental version. While I've tested it for quite some time and it seems to be working (so far), it's very probable that near future versions will drastically change the way the mod is implemented and potentially include some game-breaking changes for any ongoing playthroughs. You've been warned. :)

Power Satellites (experimental)

This mod adds power satellites as an additional way of generating power. Power satellites are launched to orbit with the Rocket Silo, and their generated power is received using Ground Stations.

Pros and cons of using power satellites

  • power satellites generate much more power than a standard ground-placed solar panel
  • surface solar farms take huge amounts of space, power satellites require only small amount of space for the ground stations
  • to launch every satellite, you must construct a rocket the same way you would for a standard satellite
  • power satellites can't remain in orbit forever - every satellite has a 20 hour lifespan, after which it will deorbit and will need to be replaced


- each power satellite generates 6MW of power for 20 hours
- each ground station can receive up to 200MW of power, so you'll need to build more than one if you want to receive more power
- generated power is spread equally among all ground stations
- the Power Satellites technology is now event-based, you can unlock it by launching a satellite to orbit
- Space Age compatibility

Other mod integration

Space Exploration

Power satellites can be launched either with the satellite rocket silo from the surface of a planet / moon or with the space probe silo from orbit of a planet / moon. Ground stations can only be built on planet / moon surfaces and any satellites launched from the orbit will generate power for the surface below.

The mod also detects solar power amount available for each surface and uses that to calculate how much power the satellites will generate.

To do

  • add quality integration