Power Satellites

by LCStark

Adds power satellites, which can be launched with the rocket silo to generate power and beam it down to receiver stations.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

g [Solved] Can't seem to complete initial research

3 months ago

Hey there! I've added in the mod to my existing Space Age game (2.0.23), I can see the research requirement to send some solar panels into orbit, but sending existing ones, or crafting new ones and yeeting them up there doesn't seem to satisfy it. I do have a bunch of other mods which might be interfering with however the mod is checking; here's a screenshot of the panels in orbit for example.


Anything I've missed off, or I can provide to help troubleshoot?

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

Hey! Thanks for the bug report!

No need for further troubleshooting, luckily I was able to find it and fix it pretty quickly. The fix should be online momentarily.

One thing to note - you shouldn't send the panels to a platform, instead when you load a solar panel into a silo you should get "Orbit" as a destination to deliver to:

The bug was the Orbit destination missing, but it should work fine now. Let me know if there are any more issues with it.

3 months ago

Ah perfect! Thanks for the lightning fast response ^_^.

May your pillow always have a cold side..

New response