Power Overload

Performant, semi-realistic power distribution overhaul. Power poles can explode if the total electrical consumption on the network is too high. Use transformers to separate networks so that subnetworks do not take more power than they can handle.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

b [Fixed-1.4.2] 1.4.0 broke pyMod integration

2 years ago

pY is a little sensitive to placement of item unlocks in the tech tree and it breaks now with 1.4. You can see by installing pyAE : https://mods.factorio.com/mod/pyalternativeenergy and loading with Power overload 1.3.1 (it works), then upgrading Power Overload (Fails)

20.886 Error ModManager.cpp:1558: Failed to load mod "pypostprocessing": __pypostprocessing__/prototypes/functions/auto_tech.lua:150: ERROR: Dependency loop detected

(I also wish it would print out the loop but, it seems to be a hard problem as it's written now)

In pY, this error typically means an item is unlocked in a technology, but the items that it needs are locked deeper in the tech tree.
I took a look - the only thing that jumps out to me is that the dependencies around the electronic circuit may have changed. in pY, it's not unlocked by default.
I see that the way the unlocks are declared have been changed, but I'm not up to the task of reverse engineering it at the moment. Does the above info suggest anything to you?

One thing the pY team suggests to do is clear out technology dependencies and let their code handle dependency wiring - I can do that in a compatibility patch if this is too much hassle.

Thanks for looking!

2 years ago

have same problem full py mods can send a save if helps?

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Thanks for reporting, I did notice this before release but didn't have time to fix it. I will try to fix it today (I also wasn't sure if it was a PO 1.4 problem or a Py2 problem, this confirms that it is a PO 1.4 problem :)

2 years ago

Even when I remove my technology.lua and technology-updates.lua, I still get this error, so I don't really know what else to try. I'm quite busy this week, so feel free to have a go yourself if you fancy it.

2 years ago

It does seem like https://github.com/tburrows13/PowerOverload/commit/b0e79a3496609fb37265f80e91d48c95dbb69934 caused it though. If I checkout the commit before it then it loads (after applying the hidden_pole_item.place_result = nil change). I guess that's a start then.

2 years ago

Let me ask ShadowGlass.

2 years ago

I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I tested it with that line removed and it works perfectly with Py, so I’ll just skip that line when Py is enabled. I’ll release in a few hours.

2 years ago

Post-processing attempts to organize the tech tree based on techs and the recipes they contain by making sure you can't unlock something you can't actually build because your missing ingredients that are in a different tech.

Due to us reusing vanilla techs and circuit id's it causes some issues if mods expect things in a different order.

We are working on a modification to have it just completely ignore none py stuff so it'll at least load even if it's a bit broken without explicit compatibility

2 years ago

Thanks for your help everyone. I've changed it to skip the problematic line when Py-PostProcessing is installed so Py compatibility is now fixed.

2 years ago

all working great now fantasic job :D (y)

2 years ago

Thanks Xorimuth!

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