pY is a little sensitive to placement of item unlocks in the tech tree and it breaks now with 1.4. You can see by installing pyAE : and loading with Power overload 1.3.1 (it works), then upgrading Power Overload (Fails)
20.886 Error ModManager.cpp:1558: Failed to load mod "pypostprocessing": __pypostprocessing__/prototypes/functions/auto_tech.lua:150: ERROR: Dependency loop detected
(I also wish it would print out the loop but, it seems to be a hard problem as it's written now)
In pY, this error typically means an item is unlocked in a technology, but the items that it needs are locked deeper in the tech tree.
I took a look - the only thing that jumps out to me is that the dependencies around the electronic circuit may have changed. in pY, it's not unlocked by default.
I see that the way the unlocks are declared have been changed, but I'm not up to the task of reverse engineering it at the moment. Does the above info suggest anything to you?
One thing the pY team suggests to do is clear out technology dependencies and let their code handle dependency wiring - I can do that in a compatibility patch if this is too much hassle.
Thanks for looking!