Power Overload

Performant, semi-realistic power distribution overhaul. Power poles can explode if the total electrical consumption on the network is too high. Use transformers to separate networks so that subnetworks do not take more power than they can handle.

29 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

i [Completed-1.2.0] Improve transformer buffer sizes

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Not sure if it would have made sense to post it in the circuit network thread. I have this issue where the grid thinks it has 1-3 GW of production available, yet I most certainly only have 200ish MW available. Last time it did this, I had two transformers in the same loop, I have double checked to make sure all link to their own sectors and do not feed back into each other, yet the bug remains. Any advice?
-> Ah I fixed it! I removed the three transformers that linked the three steam engine sectors to the main line and replaced them with fresh ones and it fixed it. It seems as if if you create some sort of feedback loop even for a moment, it confuses the logic and does not recover after removing the feedback. Like -

T >transformer
| >wire
---- >wire

T -----------------------
|................................| (feedback loop)

......the dots are purely for spacing -ignore the dots(periods)

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Here is a blueprint of a nice big chunk of the layout-


Well, as much as can fit into 10k chars in this msgBox

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

It's dodgy, when I take a strictly outgoing mainline and disconnect and reconnect it, the production total goes up. It might be the confetti of medium and small poles in the science area all mixed together, although they are in once bunch on the other side of a transformer. I will clean it up and report back. Give me a day

-as I assume that you coded it for a grid that is wired semi decent going from big poles down to small poles in an orderly manner. That confetti has medium poles stuck in random places with small poles connecting to medium and medium to medium and small to medium and many to all the other around them and god damn its just wires everywhere.. probably not what it was coded for XD

3 years ago

Thanks for the report. I'll be sure to investigate loops, I'm not overly surprised that the suddenly increase in consumption, but it is definitely something to be fixed. They should at least recover when un-looped (I thought that they did... apparently not!).

Mixing up small and medium power poles would have no effect to the transformer logic: that stuff is all handled by the base game. The transformers only interact with the total power consumption on each network.

3 years ago

Tested it in sandbox. When connecting and reconnecting nodes, it seems that it does not remember a unique id and adds the new node in, but calculates it twice using the old id and a new id, seeing the same node twice when there is only one? I am probably wrong but it is my best guess for now. Seems the best way around this is to wire the steam engines directly to 500MW poles. But that caps power at 500mw

3 years ago

Hit sandbox and wire up a bunch of mines to electric furnaces that feed iron plates into incinerators. that'll give you a decent 100mw constant load. Then some blue belt fed steam engines in a row of say 30 by two fed off two or three offshores with a pump directly on it to maintain pressure to the end of the row. with say 5 of these setup, run 100mw poles through the engines and 20mw poles through the inserters at the boilers, then hook up the end of each 100mw line to a 500mw main line that runs past all of the engine lines, but use a transformer to wire each engine line into the main line. I found that if I try keep my load at around 90mw, I can wire all 5 lines directly into the main line and add or remove copper wires between the 500mw main line poles ( adding an engine line or removing) and it does nothign to total calculation. But when the lines are wired by transformers, then adding and removing copper wires between 500mw main lines poles makes the total calculations messed up. Then at the furnace and mining end, if I switch trandformers on and off, it can also cause bugs, but only if the engines are wired through transformers. The transformers seem to play nice delivering power, but not so nice receiving it.

3 years ago

Could maybe use accumulators to decouple the network on the input side instead of transformers. How would you go about setting up a GW base using these transformers? I see they can handle a shit load of power through a single transformer. But how does that help if the biggest pole can only handle 500MW? Am I missing something?

3 years ago

Seems currently the option is to have bob's 5GW pole in a grid at the power station setup and use some next level accumulators to feed into that grid which can feed out on a line of 5GW poles to transformers that sub into 500mw poles which carry to lower level sub nets. Maybe you could add a substation transformer that is specifically for feeding into the network and transformers for feeding out of it?

3 years ago

It is possible to run a network with unlimited power, but I realise that it is a bit fiddly (and apparently unintuitive :) ).
First of all, the 5GW pole is mine, not bob's! And the transformer has no power transfer limit.
You'll have to break your power generation down into subsections of 200MW (substation power limit). Each subnetwork generating 200MW of power can be wired to a transformer, that is then wired to the main network of "Very big electric poles" (max consumption of 5GW).

This is the system as it currently works, but I think that there is room for improvements. Mainly because (nuclear) power production is very dense, so 200MW is not a lot (less than 2 nuclear reactor's worth with neighbour bonuses). Substations don't fit in all designs, so medium electric poles (max consumption of 100MW), carry even less. Using big electric poles (max consumption of 500MW) would also be possible, but with such a small supply area, not ideal either.
Basically, for a 500MW reactor setup, you'd need to split the steam turbines into 3 separate networks of substations, and connect each network via a transformer to the same "Very big electric pole" network.

There might be scope for a separate power pole used in power production with higher limits, but only if the power on its subnetwork is generated on that subnetwork.

3 years ago

All very valid. Also, this mod is one seriously intuitive way of gaining as much realism as possible while sacrificing as little performance as possible. A well decent mod/concept!

I am going to be playing around with that and see what I can come up with.

Aside from the connecting and disconnecting issue on the supply/production side of the grid, if I may make a suggestion.

Currently the transformers have unknown entity listed in the electricity stats breakdown. If it would not require a bitch load of work, it would be well nice to be able to rename the transformers and then have those that have a custom name given to them separate out in the elec stats GUI and when clicking on them, (hope it's possible), have it select/"click on" the first pole connected to that transformer as to show the contents of that network as if you went there and clicked on one of the poles in that sub net, so that one can drill down in the GUI. What do you think? Saves walking the base to go and see what is using more than it should.

Also, I would suggest the very big pole to be 7GW, just for the sake of having a odd number in the stack and for that guy who ends up at 6GW on a megabase.

Also, if ever dedicated input transformers, have a toggle to set to primary or secondary load(backup/buffer), or circuit network for handling that logic.
But not without fixing the input bug making the production total climb, coz using logic to switch on and off will make the usage/gen stats climb through the roof currently.

Lastly, maybe an option added to explode/take damage, add one to burn wire(disconnect from poles connected to "exploding" pole, then it will only blow one or two poles at a time?

Other than that, this mod has added so much fun for me to the game, the power is way too simple without it. GG. GG!

3 years ago

Currently the transformers have unknown entity listed in the electricity stats breakdown.
Oops, fixed in next release.

If it would not require a bitch load of work, it would be well nice to be able to rename the transformers and then have those that have a custom name given to them separate out in the elec stats GUI and when clicking on them, (hope it's possible), have it select/"click on" the first pole connected to that transformer as to show the contents of that network as if you went there and clicked on one of the poles in that sub net, so that one can drill down in the GUI. What do you think? Saves walking the base to go and see what is using more than it should.
Yeah, that would be great. Unfortunately, not possible. It would be possible to do a similar thing with a custom GUI that lists all transformers and their current transfer rate, that could then take you to that subnetwork's stats GUI. I'll consider it, but it is fairly low-priority at the moment. (GUIs are hard...).

Also, I would suggest the very big pole to be 7GW, just for the sake of having a odd number in the stack and for that guy who ends up at 6GW on a megabase.

What about the guy who ends up at 8GW? I'm not really following either of your arguments for increasing the limit...

Also, if ever dedicated input transformers, have a toggle to set to primary or secondary load(backup/buffer), or circuit network for handling that logic.
But not without fixing the input bug making the production total climb, coz using logic to switch on and off will make the usage/gen stats climb through the roof currently.


Lastly, maybe an option added to explode/take damage, add one to burn wire(disconnect from poles connected to "exploding" pole, then it will only blow one or two poles at a time?

Burning wires would be easy. Do you mean as a 3rd option (explode/damage/burn-wire)? In practice there wouldn't be much difference between explode and burn-wire, except that burn-wire wouldn't be automatically fixable by bots and fiddly to fix by the player (this is why it is not currently in the mod).

3 years ago

Yea I guess burnt wire as a third option would be pointless

3 years ago

Ok, I've been playing around with it for a bit, here's some notes:

  • I can't replicate any massive spiking with feedback loops, so would you be able to send a blueprint (along with a screenshot because transformer wires are not saved in blueprints yet) of a setup that demonstrates this please? There is some weirdness though, but I don't know how much is possible to fix.
  • I've added logic to reduce the transformer buffer size, so if you do have sudden GW spikes, the transformers will settle back down to where they are supposed to be without needing to be manually replaced.
  • The 2nd "Satisfaction" value of the input network is not correct when the output network is under-satisfied and the 2nd "Production" value of the output network is not correct when the output network is satisfied. Not sure how much is possible to fix here.
  • Occasionally poles get damaged destroyed because the power spikes before the network settles into equilibrium. Hopefully this shouldn't impact normal play too much...

In summary, the edge cases are quite hard to fix because I am making use of a lot of the base game's functionality. In some cases, this can be worked around, but not all.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I hear you. I had a look at the API and they seem to have set it up in a way where they expose only a certain amount of the game to you, you would have to learn much of the internals in order to add further functionality. I am no pro, just some C#, but yea, I seriously need to get some more C under my belt, everything is C, thought I would not want to touch other shit besides my app, but once you start, you don't stop tinkering.

For simplification, I have the following

Generation unit -
Steam engines and boilers etc, 40 of them.

Transformer(T) -Main line
Transformer(T) - Main line
Transformer(T) - Main Line

G-unit - (T) |
G-unit - (T) |____MainLine_____Transformer(T)----factory shit (various places on the main line)
G-unit - (T) |

If I toggle a transformer on off on the factory shit side, no problem, sometimes it might add to production total, but mostly not. If I toggle a G-unit transformer, almost guaranteed some sort of large available production total value.. Then if I remove the transformers at g-unit, sometimes one sometimes all of them, then it fixes it. Might just well be the buffer.

Old video of my app: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BG0yEQ65K1Y added a bunch of new stuff since then, but not gana bother updating the video till it's "done", if done is something on can say XD

3 years ago

I'll have a look. Btw, I find Editor Extension's infinity accumulators much easier for testing! You can set exact input or output values instead of messing around with steam engines and boilers and the rest of the factorio :)

3 years ago

Niiiice, that is a fresh recommendation! Here I am using robots to build for an hour in sandbox. Making my normal robots feel slow as shit XD

For reference, I wire the G-unit to the transformer in and the out to the mainline and on the factory shit side I wire the in to the main line and the out to the factory shit side

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Using 100mw poles on steam genies and 500mw pole for main line(not that that matters I guess)

-right, lemi test the update

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Still ups the total available production, but now, only when I toggle the transformer at the factory side, and it seems to only do it once, further toggling does not up it more. Went from 133 to 235mw, seems it is the buffer size, but why would it remember the buffer, is it not scanning for steam engine totals? Which makes sense, coz if I toggle the gunit transformers off and the one on the factory side that is nearby, then all back on, it goes back to accurate values, then if I toggle the factory side or the lasers fire and draw 110mw, then the buffer seems to give extra and push up the number and then the number gets stuck up there

3 years ago

Sorry, I thought that I'd written a reply to this, but apparently I never submitted it, so it is long gone...

It doesn't scan for steam engine totals, the algorithm is simply to double the buffer size when it is no longer big enough, and halve it when it is more than double what's needed. I can improve this to reduce the discrepancy, but I've actually thought up a different solution (pretty much https://wiki.factorio.com/Accumulator#Isolation_of_Power_Networks but hidden), which may work much better anyway.

This probably won't be changed for several days.

2 years ago

It doesn't scan for steam engine totals, the algorithm is simply to double the buffer size when it is no longer big enough, and halve it when it is more than double what's needed. I can improve this to reduce the discrepancy

Done in 1.2.0.

I've actually thought up a different solution (pretty much https://wiki.factorio.com/Accumulator#Isolation_of_Power_Networks but hidden), which may work much better anyway.

Sadly doesn't work as an accumulator can never power another accumulator so this wouldn't work for transformer -> transformer transmission.

New response