Power Overload

Performant, semi-realistic power distribution overhaul. Power poles can explode if the total electrical consumption on the network is too high. Use transformers to separate networks so that subnetworks do not take more power than they can handle.

29 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

i Transformer manager GUI

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hi there, I seem to have this bug, not sure if it is a bug or just me.

When I connect a green or red wire to the transformer, sometimes it recognizes that it is connected to a network, other times it does not. I am trying to isolate it but have not had success just yet. Not sure if you can explain what I might be doing wrong. I did find that in certain cases I can hook it up directly to a tank and get it to realize that it is in a network, then join that to the network and remove the tank and it continues to work. But that isn't working anymore. Decider combinators, chests, with or without inventory, with or without signal, still only can see the network sometimes. Thing is tho, once it does see it on the first time the wire connects, it remains connected. It is not that it disconnects. The problem is to get it to see the network for the first time.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I am using steam to store excess solar for use at night. Looks way cooler than accum.. I made a nice main grid throughout the base and planned the whole base around this mod. Really nice addition..

3 years ago

What's also worth noting, when in sandbox mod, I have a little wifi looking icon on the transformer UI and in my save I do not.

3 years ago

The mod Power Overload (1.0.0) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.
tried to disable the mod on a temp copy of my save and re enable it to see if it helps, got this ->

Error while running event PowerOverload::on_init()
Invalid surface name: Surface names must not be blank and must be unique.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'create_surface'
PowerOverload/scripts/create-surface.lua:31: in function 'create_editor_surface'
PowerOverload/control.lua:222: in function <PowerOverload/control.lua:210>

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Have noticed one difference. The transformers that I have managed to connect to the network call themselves power switch and the ones that I can not yet get connected -> "transformer". yet both look the same and give the same UI when clicking in the middle or on the side of the entity. Might it be worth sending you my save so that you can have a look at it. I am suspecting that it is a bug that has happened some or other way. The quick sandbox save I did had the transformer with the wifi icon which is probably what you intended. Not sure how I managed to break it XD

I did notice that when I had a transformer to another transformer with some poles between the two and shit on either end, the cunsumption climed into the GW's and i eventually realized that I had one too many transformers and after removing the second one, it went back down to MW. poles T poles T shit. Removed the first T and it fixed the power stat. Circuit network still fkd tho

3 years ago

If I search for switch, I can connect circuit network. Transformer has stopped accepting circuit network by the look of things

3 years ago

Hey, thanks for the input. A few things:

The crash you got has been fixed in version 1.1.1 of this mod, so please update :)

The transformer and power switch are different things. The power switch is from vanilla and the transformer is from this mod. However, because I have no graphics skills, I used the same icon and graphics. Sorry for the confusion!
The power switch can accept circuit network connections, but I think that the transformer does not. If you need it to I could probably allow it, but what’s the reason?

Not sure about the WiFi icon... I’d be interested in seeing a screenshot of that? It might be intended, I just don’t know what you mean.

I don’t think that I’ve ever tested transformer -> transformer so if you think there’s actually a bug there, let me know :)

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Thank you for your response. Awesome mod! I have figured as much. I was mixing them up because when you remove a transformer the game gives you a switch back and a switch does not separate the network = blown poles. Reason is because I want to be able to use logic to switch the transformers on and off depending on certain conditions. It will open up big options, like overload protection through logic.. (the wifi icon is on the switch UI.. which I had mistaken for a transformer) maybe change the color of something on the switch texture for use with the transformer as to be able to tell the two apart? Might help many people not get super confused XD

3 years ago

Yeah, a simple tint on the transformer should be easy enough. Also getting a transformer from a switch is unintended, I’ll be sure to fix that soon. I’ll also try and allow circuit connections on the power switch.

3 years ago

Niiiiiiiice! You meant to say the transformer? Switch has it already XD

3 years ago

Speaking of your profile pic, aren't fractals the only simple maths formula that continues to loop in on itself in a repeating pattern that never stops?

3 years ago

Niiiiiiiice! You meant to say the transformer? Switch has it already XD

Yes ;)

Speaking of your profile pic, aren't fractals the only simple maths formula that continues to loop in on itself in a repeating pattern that never stops?

Yep, that's fractals

3 years ago

I would say a bunch of shit, but this is a mod discussion page. I'll say this, fractals and the tangents that one can get into while thinking of it is awesome. Nice pic

3 years ago

Yeah, a simple tint on the transformer should be easy enough. Also getting a transformer from a switch is unintended, I’ll be sure to fix that soon. I’ll also try and allow circuit connections on the power switch.

Hmm, it seems that the only way to allow circuit connections on the power switch is to also allow copper cable connections, which is what I was trying to avoid, because that would be very confusing. I think that unfortunately I'm going to have to leave it as it is, because the added benefit of allowing circuit connections is not worth the confusion if someone accidentally connects their wire to the transformer itself, and not its input/output parts. You'll have to use a power switch in sequence with the transformer if you want to be able to control it with the circuit network. Sorry :/

3 years ago

I am one very daft idiot, why did I not think of doing that in the first place XD

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

How would you do the UI thing. Would it even be possible to give each transformer its own name, like a train stop..? or any ideas on reporting subnetwork loads, like transformer "CopperProductionYard"


I might just need to find a mod that I remember that allowed reading power values from poles or whatever it was and use a circuit network to report values back to a centralized location

3 years ago

Yes, you could do that with the power combinator mod. I’m not expecting to add the custom gui solution for naming transformers any time soon, but it would be possible.

New response