Plutonium Energy

Adds processing of Plutonium, which is created from nuclear fission of Uranium. It can be used to extract even more energy or incinerate enemies with new ammunition.

a month ago
0.15 - 2.0

i Locale in German (de), Trad. Chinese (zh-TW) and Simp. Chinese (zh-CN)

6 years ago

I have made the 3 locale for this mod:

In English file, I saw a typo (indicated by ^):
MOX-reactor=S^pecial small reactor for MOX fuel

BTW, in 3 recipes, i use parentheses because of the much better looking (with products in front) in actual text shown on the recipes. "2× Plutonium-239 alpha-decay" actually giving 2× Uranium-235 is quite confusing.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Thank you for the translation!
Also thank you for idea about recipes. I will use it in other locales.
UPD: Locale added to the mod!

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I am making changes in mod and changing some settongs and items names, can you update locale please?
Updated English and Russian locale already on GitHub

5 years ago

Are only the first two items changed?
PE-old-icons=Use old icons
PE-old-icons=Use MOX fuel icon used until 1.0.7 and Plutonium icons used until 1.0.16

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)


PE-old-icons=Alter Icons verwenden
PE-old-icons=MOX-Brennstofficon bis 1.0.7 und Plutonium-Icons bis 1.0.16 verwenden.


PE-old-icons=使用版本 1.0.7 以前的混合氧化物核燃料圖示及版本 1.0.16 以前的鈈圖示。


PE-old-icons=使用版本 1.0.7 以前的混合氧化物核燃料图标及版本 1.0.16 以前的钚图标。

EDIT: Can you also give credit to my work, in Changelog 1.0.10 for example?

Thanks! These edits will be included in next update.
And also in the next update I'll include credit for your translation, I'm sorry for not doing this when translation was added.

I am adding some missing locale strings and updating existing locale. Can you translate new parts, please?

plutonium-nuclear-power=Gives much more energy than uranium, but 2 times slower.
MOX-fuel-reprocessing=The process of reprocessing used MOX fuel to get additional plutonium.
Plutonium-ammo=Advanced ammunition from barely radioactive plutonium-238 for higher damage.

MOX-reactor=Plutonium's slower energy production allows to make reactor smaller.

plutonium-239=Highly radioactive plutonium isotope.
plutonium-238=Barely radioactive plutonium isotope.
MOX-fuel=Gives much more energy than uranium cell, but 2 times slower.
used-up-MOX-fuel=This fuel cell ran out of energy, but can be reprocessed into additional plutonium.
industrial-reactor=Industrial reactor for industrial nuclear processing.
MOX-reactor=Plutonium's slower energy production allows to make reactor smaller.
plutonium-rounds-magazine=Pistol or submachine gun round made out of plutonium!
plutonium-cannon-shell=Cannon shell made out of plutonium!
explosive-plutonium-cannon-shell=Explosive cannon shell made out of plutonium and some explosives!
plutonium-atomic-bomb=Compact surface annihilation weapon.\nToo weak to be real plutonium atomic bomb, btw.

5 years ago

Want to ask what means by "2 times slower". Cannot translate without understanding what it means.
Vanilla reactor: 40 MW Uranium fuel cell: 8 GJ Burn time: 8000/40=200 s
MOX reactor: 20 MW MOX fuel: 20 GJ Burn time: 20000/20=1000 s
Do you mean the power rating of the reactors (40MW vs 20MW) themselves? Saying "50% slower" or "at half rate" would be more precise. What do you think?

Yes, I meah reactors' power rating. Thanks for advice, I think "at half rate" is the best choice

After this improvement the following lines will be updated:

MOX-reactor=Plutonium's slower energy production rate allows to make reactor smaller.

MOX-fuel=Gives much more energy than uranium cell, but at half rate.

5 years ago

I have question about Pu-238 as well.

plutonium-238=Barely radioactive plutonium isotope.

Technically, this is incorrect.
While it is not useful in fission power generation, but actually quite strong radioactivity that it is used in RTG. Alpha emission is radiation. (I have no suggestion on what instead should be used here though.)

BTW, in 0.17, only technology description becomes required. But still possible to leave it blank without "unknown-key" message, by applying like:


Item description can just be ignored without such "unknown-key" message, if you want to, just like many vanilla items.

Okay, I'll leave Pu-238 and Pu-239 items descriptions blank, but will keep technology descriptions.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Plutonium-ammo=Advanced ammunition from barely radioactive plutonium-238 for higher damage.

This line needs adjustment too. BTW, the game is case-sensitive, so needs small letter "p" in the key.

EDIT: Plutonium bombs (using Pu-239) are also unlocked with this tech. So not just Pu-238.

5 years ago

Zipped the translations together here:

I'm making integration with AtomicArtillery
Here's new lines:

plutonium-atomic-artillery-shell=Plutonium Atomic Artillery Shell

Can you please translate it?

5 years ago

May I ask is it a different item from the old entry "plutonium-nuke" (which is "Plutonium nuclear artillery shell" in previous version 1.0.17)?

It is similar, but "plutonium-nuke" was for plutonium-nukes mod integration. Names are different.

5 years ago

OK. I will just translate literally.



Working in the next update with changed technology tree.
Can you translate these strings?

plutonium-atomic-bomb=Plutonium atomic bomb
plutonium-processing=Plutonium processing

plutonium-atomic-bomb=Atomic bomb made with plutonium instead of uranium. Explosion power is higher by nearly 40%.
plutonium-processing=Processing of plutonium, radioactive element that don't exist in nature but can be created in nuclear reactor.

PlutoniumEnergy=Adds processing of plutonium, excess product from nuclear reaction. Plutonium can be used to create ammo (even plutonium atomic bomb) and to create energy as MOX fuel.

Thanks in advance!

5 years ago

I need some clarifications about the following line:

PlutoniumEnergy=Adds processing of plutonium, excess product from nuclear reaction. Plutonium can be used to create ammo (even plutonium atomic bomb) and to create energy as MOX fuel.

1) The first sentence looks fragmented.
A. Do you mean "plutonium" is the "excess product"? Then it needs something like conjunction or connection words. (e.g., "... plutonium, which is excess product ...", "... plutonium, an excess product ...", "... plutonium, as excess product ...")
B. Or do you mean "plutonium" and "excess product" together?
(e.g., "Processing of plutonium and excess product ...")

2) The second sentence have a minor problem too.
In English, "create energy" is not the right wording for this situation.
In your context, energy is released from plutonium through the form of MOX fuel. So you can use "generate energy", "give energy" or "generate power" instead.

"Create" has a totally different meaning: giving something out from NOTHING. Any methods consuming fuel in the process cannot be called "create energy". Even solar panels does not qualify this, because it is merely converting solar energy to electric energy.

"Create energy" would be something very sci-fi, which has to break a fundamental law of modern physics.
It violates the law of conservation of mass and energy: "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed." So in theory, "create energy" is just impossible.

Thanks for an advice! My English isn't quite good sometimes...
According to what you wrote, this will be better:

PlutoniumEnergy=Adds processing of plutonium, an excess product from nuclear reaction. Plutonium can be used to make ammo (even plutonium atomic bomb) and to generate power as MOX fuel.

5 years ago

Here you are:


plutonium-atomic-Atombombe aus Plutonium statt Uran. Die Sprengkraft ist um fast 40% höher.
plutonium-processing=Verarbeitung von Plutonium, das in der Natur nicht vorkommt, aber im Kernreaktor erzeugt werden kann.
PlutoniumEnergy=Fügt die Verarbeitung von Plutonium hinzu, einem überschüssigen Produkt aus der Kernreaktion. Plutonium kann zur Herstellung von Munition (auch Plutoniumbombe) und zur Stromerzeugung (als MOX-Brennstoff) verwendet werden.





I have realized in local file "zh-TW", I have used a wrong character.
Please convert all to for me.
"钚" is a simplified character (zh-CN), while "鈈" is a traditional character (zh-TW).


I'm working on a new update and added some strings to the locale

PE-disable-MOX-reactor=Disable MOX reactor recipe
PE-disable-MOX-reactor=Disables MOX reactor for compatibility with some mods.

Can you translate them, please?

5 years ago


PE-disable-MOX-reactor=Rezept des MOX-Kernreaktors deaktivieren
PE-disable-MOX-reactor=Deaktivieren Sie den MOX-Kernreaktor, um die Kompatibilität mit einigen Mods zu gewährleisten.






In latest update I added a new setting, but somehow forgot to ask for translation.

PE-disable-U238-excess-neutron-capture-recipe=Disable Uranium-238 excess neutron capture recipe
PE-disable-U238-excess-neutron-capture-recipe=Disable Uranium-238 excess neutron capture recipe. Some players want this recipe disbaled for balancing reasons.

Thanks in advance!

5 years ago


PE-disable-U238-excess-neutron-capture-recipe=Rezept für Neutroneneinfang von Uran-238 deaktivieren
PE-disable-U238-excess-neutron-capture-recipe=Einige Spieler möchten, dass dieses Rezept zum Ausgleichen deaktiviert wird.





Note that you have misspelled as "disbaled" in your EN description.

Hello! I have an update which adds plutonium enrichment process (name can be changed in the future). Here's new locale entries that need to be translated:

plutonium-enrichment-process=Plutonium enrichment process

plutonium-enrichment-process=Plutonium enrichment process

plutonium-enrichment-process=The process of creating high-energy isotopes from low-energy isotopes. Requires a lot of high-energy isotopes as catalyst and takes more time than Kovarex enrichment process

And also one more string

plutonium-fuel=Plutonium fuel

It's like nuclear fuel that you put in trains

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Sorry for the waiting. Finally have time for Factorio modding.

First of all, your code supporting Schall Artillery seems buggy, giving the following error upon game start:

Failed to load mod "PlutoniumEnergy": __PlutoniumEnergy__/prototypes/entity/projectiles.lua:117: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'index_offset' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
__PlutoniumEnergy__/prototypes/entity/projectiles.lua:117: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
__PlutoniumEnergy__/data.lua:4: in main chunk

I have inserted the following as line 116, then it works. See if it is the right code.

local index_offset = 0

Below is the locale text you needed:


plutonium-fuel=Plutoniumversetzter Brennstoff
plutonium-enrichment-process=Ermöglicht die Herstellung von Hochenergieisotopen aus Niedrigenergieisotopen. Der Prozess benötigt große Mengen an Hochenergieisotopen als Katalysator. Dauert länger als der Kovarex-Anreicherungsprozess.





Next is about some grammar in your en locale [technology-description] text. I believe the entries should be full sentences, but some of those do not have the ending period (.).

PS: About my mods, there are some text changed from plural form to singular form in en locale of base game 1.1.0 update. I will send you the involved text later in the "old place" (but not here.)

I'll include the translation in 1.2.3
The error with index_offset was fixed in 1.2.2 (by removing index_offset).
And thanks for pointing out at my mistakes in en locale, I'll fix them too.

Hello! There's new locale strings in 1.2.5, new settings. Can you translate, please?

enable-plutonium-ammo=Enable plutonium ammo

enable-plutonium-ammo=Enable ror disable plutonium rounds magazine and cannon shells.
3 years ago

Finally have some time for Factorio modding.
In addition to your new option strings, I have also revised some strings to match with latest locale text.

And I guess "Enable ror disable..." is supposed to mean "or"?
Anyway, I feel it is redundant. I use a single word "Include" instead in my translations.


plutonium-rounds-magazine=Plutoniumversetzte Munition
enable-plutonium-ammo=Plutoniummunition aktivieren
enable-plutonium-ammo=Enthält Plutoniumversetzte Munition and Plutonium-Kanonegeschossen.





I have a new update coming up, can you please translate these strings?

used-up-uranium-fuel-cell-solution=Used-up uranium fuel cell solution

used-up-uranium-fuel-cell-solution-centrifuging=Used-up uranium fuel cell solution centrifuging
3 years ago

Sorry for the wait. I do not have much time on modding these weeks.

I see there are some needs to revise other strings, to be consistent with vanilla strings (which were changed).
I may need to adjust some wordings in my previous translations, and even override some vanilla translations for better clarity.
For example, the vanilla item "used-up-uranium-fuel-cell" is now just called 「乏燃料棒」, which literally only means "Used up fuel cell", without specifying the fuel type (uranium). This would become ambiguous since now there are more than one kind of fuel cells after installing your mod.
So I guess I should revise them, when I have the free time to do that.

But for now, let me fill the missing part first:


used-up-uranium-fuel-cell-solution=Verbrauchte Uran-Brennstofflösung
used-up-uranium-fuel-cell-solution-centrifuging=Zentrifugieren von verbrauchter Uran-Brennstofflösung





Thank you! The vanilla locale change for uranium fuel cell is weird...

That reminded me of the time I was confused about nuclear fuel (burnable stuff that goes usually in trains) and uranium fuel cell (actual nuclear fuel for reactors). Especially because reprocessing is mentioning nuclear fuel.

3 years ago

Right, I have the same experience and feeling as yours. I guess every modder/translator working on nuclear fuel stuff will also have such doubt...

They were added in different versions (maybe also by another developers). And I try to guess the reason, as follows...
0.16 came the new fuel item for vehicles. Maybe they want to keep a short name, while have similar name with existing vehicle fuel (e.g., 0.12 Rocket fuel, 0.9 Solid fuel). So the seemingly closest choice would have been "Uranium fuel".
However, it sounds almost the same as the 0.15 uranium fuel cell (for reactors). So they try to avoid that and decided to pick "Nuclear fuel", for whatever reason, to name the new item.

Yet, I would rather keep the word "Uranium" in it. Say, "Uranium vehicle fuel" will make more sense to me.
The word "nuclear" is way too generic. Plutonium, thorium, hydrogen can all share the same name.

Well, it can be used not only for vehicles (but due to the speed and acceleration boost, mostly used in vehicles), so saying "vehicle" in the name would be like telling the intended use and that it shouldn't be used anywhere else. My suggestion would be "Uranium fuel" for the burner fuel and "Uranium Nuclear fuel cell" for the nuclear cell.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Hey, I have a new update coming up and need a few strings translated

breeder=Breeder nuclear fuel

breeder-reactor=Breeder reactor

breeder-fuel-cell=Breeder fuel cell
used-up-breeder-fuel-cell=Used-up breeder fuel cell
breeder-reactor=Breeder reactor

breeder-fuel-cell-reprocessing=Breeder fuel cell reprocessing

nuclear-breeding=Nuclear breeding
breeder-fuel-cell-from-uranium-fuel=Breeder fuel cell from used-up uranium fuel
breeder-fuel-cell-from-MOX-fuel=Breeder fuel cell from used-up MOX fuel


Updated: added entity-name

2 years ago

Seems like a nice major update. (Perhaps I should also come back to Factorio when I have time.)
Apart from the new strings, I have also included some extra strings to make the wording more consistent.
These include both vanilla strings and existing strings in your mod. (Marked by ; xxx labels after.)


used-up-breeder-fuel-cell=Verbrauchtes Brüter-Brennstoff
uranium-fuel-cell=Uran-Brennstoff ; Vanilla string modified
used-up-uranium-fuel-cell=Verbrauchtes Uran-Brennstoff ; Vanilla string modified
breeder-fuel-cell-reprocessing=Wiederaufbereitung von Brüter-Brennstoff
breeder-fuel-cell-from-uranium-fuel=Brüter-Brennstoff aus Verbrauchtem Uran-Brennstoff
breeder-fuel-cell-from-MOX-fuel=Brüter-Brennstoff aus Verbrauchtem MOX-Brennstoff


used-up-uranium-fuel-cell=乏鈾燃料棒 ; Vanilla string modified
MOX-fuel=混合氧化物核燃料棒 ; Updated
used-up-MOX-fuel=混合氧化物乏核燃料棒 ; Updated
nuclear-fuel-reprocessing=鈾燃料棒後加工 ; Vanilla string modified
advanced-nuclear-fuel-reprocessing=進階鈾燃料棒後加工 ; Updated
MOX-fuel-reprocessing=混合氧化物核燃料棒後加工 ; Updated
MOX-fuel-reprocessing=將用過的混合氧化物核燃料棒提取鈈的後加工過程。 ; Updated
PE-SUP-advanced-nfr-uranium-concentrate=修改進階鈾燃料棒後加工配方 ; Updated
PE-SUP-advanced-nfr-uranium-concentrate=同時啟用了此選項和《疾風鈾加工》模組時,則進階鈾燃料棒後加工配方中的產品將以鈾精礦替代鈾-238(貧鈾)。 ; Updated


used-up-uranium-fuel-cell=乏铀燃料棒 ; Vanilla string modified
MOX-fuel=混合氧化物核燃料棒 ; Updated
used-up-MOX-fuel=混合氧化物乏核燃料棒 ; Updated
advanced-nuclear-fuel-reprocessing=高等乏铀燃料棒后处理 ; Updated
MOX-fuel-reprocessing=混合氧化物乏核燃料棒后处理 ; Updated
MOX-fuel-reprocessing=对混合氧化物乏燃料棒进行后加工以获得额外的钚。 ; Updated
PE-SUP-advanced-nfr-uranium-concentrate=修改高等乏铀燃料棒后处理配方 ; Updated
PE-SUP-advanced-nfr-uranium-concentrate=同时启用了此选项和《疾风铀处理》模组时,则高等乏铀燃料棒后处理配方中的产品将以铀精矿替代铀-238(贫铀)。 ; Updated

1 year, 6 months ago
(updated 1 year, 6 months ago)

Hello! I'm doing a bit of a rework of some names and planning to add new stuff. For now, next update needs this translated:

used-up-uranium-fuel-cell-solution=Uranium nuclear waste solution

advanced-nuclear-fuel-reprocessing-with-barelling=Advanced nuclear fuel reprocessing (with barrelling)
used-up-uranium-fuel-cell-solution-centrifuging=Uranium nuclear waste solution centrifuging
2 months ago

I've offloaded localization to be done via Crowdin, more info here:

New response