
Made-for-fun mod that adds "placeable-off-grid" flag to every entity in the game.

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0


Version: 0.2.1
Date: 2025-01-02
  Major Changes:
    - Changed some prototype categories to be disabled by default because they can cause the
      `inconsistent transport lines` assertion error. Those entities are:
Version: 0.2.0
Date: 2024-10-30
  Major Changes:
    - Factorio 2.0 update
    - Re-generated the entity list
    - Improved snapping tool algorythm
Version: 0.1.14
Date: 2022-01-10
  Minor changes:
    - Improved how snapping to grid works
      Now it is more precise and will snap entity into position that is closest
Version: 0.1.13
Date: 01.02.2021
  Minor Features:
    - Replaced mod thumbnail with a meme because previous icon was called ableist.
      Feel free to discuss new icon on mod portal or github.
Version: 0.1.12
Date: 06.01.2021
    - Fixed error on load due to changes in API
    - Added force check t othe script so you can't snap enemies
  Minor Features:
    - Removed crafting recipe for snap tool, as it doesn't fit anymore in Factorio's design.
    - Some fixes for missing entries in locale
Version: 0.1.11
Date: 04.12.2020
  Major Features:
    - Update for Factorio 1.1
      Belts have been removed from the affected entities list because they can't have
      "placeable-off-grid" flag anymore :(
Version: 0.1.10
Date: 06.09.2020
  Minor Features:
    - Updated thumbnail and description
Version: 0.1.9
Date: 05.09.2020
  Minor Features:
    - Update for 1.0
Version: 0.1.8
Date: 09.04.2020
  Minor Fectures:
    - Added Polish locale by Guru [TSM]#8528
Version: 0.1.7
Date: 29.01.2020
  Minor features:
    - Update for 0.18. Triggering your OCD since 0.16
Version: 0.1.6
Date: 08.03.2019
  Minor Features:
    - Added Snap tool shortcut
Version: 0.1.5
Date: 06.03.2019
  Minor Features:
    - Renamed "Snapper to grid" to "Snap tool"
    - Added recipe for Snap tool if you lose one during the game
Version: 0.1.4
Date: 21.10.2018
  Minor Features:
    - Added Snapper to grid whcih snaps selected entities to grid.
Version: 0.1.3
Date: 21.08.2018
  Minor features:
    - Disable-POF-effect setting added for every entity type
    - New prototype types can be added at the "entity-list.lua" file
Version: 0.1.2
Date: 20.08.2018
  Minor features:
    - Added setting to disable POF-effect on belts and pipes
Version: 0.1.1
Date: 20.08.2018
  Minor Features:
    - Added "pipe-to-ground" to placedOffGrid.
    - Transport belt and underground transport belt hitbox sizes increased to 1x1 (0.8x0.8 previously).
    - Added "greetings" on world creating.
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 17.08.2018
  Major Features:
    - First working version.
    - "assembling-machine"
    - "furnace"
    - "transport-belt"
    - "underground-belt"
    - "splitter"
    - "container"
    - "inserter"
    - "solar-panel"
    - "gate"
    - "player-port"
    - "straight-rail"
    - "curved-rail"
    - "train-stop"
    - "rail-signal"
    - "rail-chain-signal"
    - "lab"
    - "logistic-container"
    - "rocket-silo"
    - "rocket-silo-rocket"
    - "roboport"
    - "storage-tank"
    - "pump"
    - "market"
    - "electric-pole"
    - "accumulator"
    - "beacon"
    - "sticker"
    - "arithmetic-combinator"
    - "decider-combinator"
    - "constant-combinator"
    - "power-switch"
    - "programmable-speaker"
    - "electric-energy-interface"
    - "reactor"
    - "boiler"
    - "generator"
    - "heat-pipe"
    - "simple-entity-with-force"
    - "simple-entity-with-owner"
    - "cliff"
    - "loader"
    - "offshore-pump"
    - "pipe"
    - "radar"
    - "lamp"
    - "entity-ghost"
    - "deconstructible-tile-proxy"
    - "item-request-proxy"
    - "wall"
    - "corpse"
    - "mining-drill"