Picklocks Fusion Power

This mod adds fusion power.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Question: What do I do with Lithium-7 pellets?

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Just a simple question here, but I'm not sure what to make of it. Lithium Vacuum Distillation creates Lithium-6 pellets and Lithium-7 pellets, but only the Lithium-6 pellets are actually used for anything. What about the others? I don't see a single recipe which uses the other type of Lithium, so what do I do with the resource?

A quick look through the Lua code reveals no recipes which actually use Lithium-7. Not to break it down or convert it. That's honestly disappointing. Guess it's a burner resource, then. Wonder if I can turn it into "Mineral Fluid."

3 years ago

It is correct that lithium-7 pellets are without further use in the Fusion Power Mod. But these can be further processed in my Picklocks Lithium Polymer Accumulator Mod.

If you don't want to use the Picklocks Lithium Polymer Accumulator Mod, there is currently no use for lithium-7 pellets. I'll think of something about that. Your suggestion is not that bad. But that can take a while before it is implemented.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

That's fair enough. I'm glad to hear you're open to the idea of a conversion recipe. In the interest of putting my money where my mouth is, I dug into the mod's Lua files and mocked-up one such recipe myself. Specifically...

In recipe.lua under data:extend, I added a new recipe:

type = "recipe",
name = "pi-lithium-reprocessing",
energy_required = 60,
enabled = false,
category = "centrifuging",
icon = myModName.."/graphics/icons/pi-lithium-processing.png",
icon_size = 64, icon_mipmaps = 4,
subgroup = "pi-fusion-i",
order = "c[pi-lithium-processing]-d[pi-lithium-reprocessing]",
ingredients =
name = "pi-lithium-6-pellet",
amount = 40
name = "pi-lithium-7-pellet",
amount = 5
results =
name = "pi-lithium-6-pellet",
amount = 41
name = "pi-lithium-7-pellet",
amount = 2

I called it pi-lithium-reprocessing and tried to stick as close as I could to your code formatting. The recipe is an almost complete copy of the Kovarex Enrichment Process, down to input/output resource distribution, crafting speed and power cost. It's also done in a Centrifuge, which is consistent with your Lithium Processing reciple. It also sorts right after it in the inventory. I did not add a new icon as I'm not an artist and didn't feel it was necessary for proof of concept. Could probably mock some ugly thing out, but didn't feel like dealing with mipmaps. It uses the same icon of Lithium Processing.

Additionally, in technology.lua under the pi-tech-adv-fusion-power technology, I added an entry for the new recipe:

type = "unlock-recipe",
recipe = "pi-lithium-reprocessing"

Simple enough, just ties the new recipe to the existing Advanced Fusion technology. Finally, I added a bit of localisation in locale.en. Under [recipe-name] there's pi-lithium-reprocessing=Lithium reprocessing and under [recipe-description] there's pi-lithium-reprocessing=Uses energy to enrich Lithium 7 isotopes into Lithium 6. I considered leaving a joke description referencing "technobabble" or "magic' but I figure I might end up using this myself so best to go with something normal-looking. No German localisation as I don't speak German and won't be using that localisation myself. For proof of concept, I figure this is enough.

Testing this recipe revealed it to be pretty much what you'd expect - a Lithium version of Kovarex Enrichment. It takes in a crapton of Lithium 6 and a bit of Lithium 7, then produces slightly more Lithium 6 and slightly less Lithium 7... very, very, VERY slowly. If I end up burning too much Lithium 7 anyway, I might also add a bit (or a lot) of Lithium 7 to the Tritium Pellet recipe.

Obvious, you don't have to do any of this. However, I wanted to share since I spent the time toying around with it. Might as well get some use out of that :)

Great. The site collapsed the code tabs. Wish I knew how to post code blocks to this forum software, but oh well.

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