
This mod adds personal Teleaporter to the game. A lot of Thanks to iUltimateLP and his mod SimpleTeleporters for inspiration and for the use of His Code and graphics

3 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

b Error [FIXED V0.3.6]

5 years ago

Hey, I've been running into an Error while loading from autosafe. I was just renaming the teleporter when it saved and after loading told me to send you the report.

Error while running event PersonalTeleporter::on_gui_click (ID 1)
Gui element with name TelaportRenameWindow already present in the parent element.
stack traceback:
PersonalTeleporter/control.lua:518: in function 'createTelaPortRenameWindow'
PersonalTeleporter/control.lua:281: in function <PersonalTeleporter/control.lua:198>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'add'
PersonalTeleporter/control.lua:518: in function 'createTelaPortRenameWindow'
PersonalTeleporter/control.lua:281: in function <PersonalTeleporter/control.lua:198>

5 years ago

should be fixed in V0.3.6

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