
This mod adds personal Teleaporter to the game. A lot of Thanks to iUltimateLP and his mod SimpleTeleporters for inspiration and for the use of His Code and graphics

3 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

g Can't load save when using this mod...

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

I wanted to try some mods today for the first time and have been playing for several hours using this mod and a half dozen others... I finished all the teleporter research and was in the process of building one when a different mod (ships) caused the game to crash. After the crash I reopened the game and then I tried to load the save, only I get the this error:

Error while running mod-PersonalTeleporter::on_load().

Detected modifications to the 'global' table:
CRC before: 3057014844
CRC after: 999067156

So as you can see... in order to load my save game again I had to disable or uninstall your mod. I am sad that I wasted so many alien artifacts on research! Also I was looking forward to trying out the teleporter but didn't even get the chance... oh well. I hope this gets fixed!

8 years ago

This is a very strange error I can only guess is caused by the crash. One thing you can try to do is go into the control.lua file of my mod and delete lines 16 through 19. the On_load function. this is a work around until I find out what is going on a release an update soon that might fix it.

8 years ago

found the problem will be pushing a new version in a few minutes.

8 years ago

just added a version 0.1.4 it should fix your problem. please let me know if it does not. if you could respond from now on, on the forums at ( ) I get an email when you post there, I do not get notified when you post on this page.

8 years ago

Oh sure thing! Thanks for fixing it so quickly! I didn't realize there were two places for discussion about this, I will use the forum next time, sorry about that!

New response