Extended Vanilla: Personal Roboports deprecated

A complete overhaul to the ordinary personal vanilla equipment, this mod(pack) adds four brand new tiers of Roboports that will allow you to command hordes of drones!

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g why better power armor grid?

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

i don't wanna install that mod, do i get any disadvantage from running this without it?
you wrote: "if the roboport Mk3 is 3x3, therefore the armor grid needs to be a multiple of 3", but i can still put the roboport into my 7x7 armor...

6 years ago

i know, but i've created this dependence for a design question.

If you don't want this thing, you must to go in the folder, info.lua and you must cancel dependences: "better power armor grid" (only the thing in the "")

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