Peppermint Mining

by Mylon

Mark ore with the Peppermint tool and construction bots will start mining it. Or enable Nougat Mining mode and it'll happen automatically!

9 months ago
0.16 - 1.1
Mining Logistic network

g Mining Efficiency Incompatible

7 months ago

Mining Efficiency Incompatible

I tried it on the test map. While I had 40% mining productivity, vanilla miners mined 250 units of ore fields for 1.4 yield of 350 ore. In return, the robots extracted 400 ores. In other words, robots work with more productivity than they should.

On the other hand, I really liked your mod. For example, the equivalent robot mining site mode was not affected by mining at all. This mode provides this, but unfortunately it does not achieve the correct ratio. Finally, I think it is very nice that there is a detail such as pollution production; I'm wondering how you determine the pollution factor here. Can you specify?

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