See Easy Logistic Configuration for it's continuation.
This mod lets you copy settings from assemblers and paste them onto inserters, buffer/storage chests, and belts so that the process of limiting input/outputs becomes much easier.
The primary use-case for this mod is when designing bot-malls. Connecting chests to wires and hunting down the item signal is something I've always found a bit grating. This mod turns those menu interactions into a simple shift-right-click -> shift-left-click combo (for most people).
Video Demonstrations
1) Shows various use-cases for pasting filters and inserter conditions in a factory.
2) Shows off the new circuit auto-connection feature, while building a simple module production site from scratch.
Explanation - Chests
This mod allows you to copy assembling machine settings and paste them onto inserters, logistic storage chests and logistic buffer chests. This is done using the native machine/entity settings copy-paste feature.
When you paste on a storage chest: the locked inventory slots are cleared and the filter is set as the output item of the copied assembling machine.
When you paste on a buffer chest: the locked inventory slots are cleared, all requests for the chest are cleared and a single request is set for 50,000 of the output item of the copied assembling machine.
Explanation - Inserters
When you paste on an inserter, the following happens:
If the inserter has no circuit connections, it will connect to a container that it is taking items from or putting items into.
If the inserter has a circuit connection (including the one made above), the inserter's enabled condition becomes "item < 1_stack_of_item", where the item is the copied assembling machine's output.
If you paste on that same inserter a second time, the limit will be 2 stacks. If you paste again, 5 stacks. Then 10, then 20, then 40. If you paste once more at that point, the limit resets to just 1 stack, and can be increased in the same way again.
If the inserter is taking items FROM a chest, the circuit condition will be enabled while GREATER THAN "x_stacks_of_item". The intended use case for this is when you want to buffer some quantity of items before using them.
You'll notice that now in 2.0 when pasting from an assembler to an inserter, that filters are set on the inserter for ingredients of the assembler. This is a function of 2.0 and not this mod, and I could not find a way to remove those filters while pasting. The best I could do was set the filter mode to blacklist, so that the result item from the assembler can be picked up as normal.
Explanation - Belts
When a belt is facing immediately into/away from a loader, you can paste onto it much like an inserter. The belt will connect to a storage container (if present) on the other side of the loader and set the enable/disable condition accordingly, in the same way that pasting settings onto an inserter works.
Should work fine with all modded loaders!