
by derpumu

This mod removes military tech, weapons, and ammo for an undistracted playthrough without biters.

5 days ago
Combat Enemies Cheats

a Incompatible mods

7 months ago
(updated 6 months ago)

Please let me know of any mod that has compatibility issues. This is bound to happen, as Pacifist basically removes "everything that's a gun", "everything that is ammo", and so on. Mods that rely on their custom guns, ammo, turrets, etc. might become unusable or prevent the game from starting.

Alternatively, report broken mods here:

7 months ago

Could you add an exception for the termite "grenades" from the Explosive Termites mod? They're reskinned grenades that destroy trees.

7 months ago

Could you add an exception for the termite "grenades" from the Explosive Termites mod? They're reskinned grenades that destroy trees.

Thanks, I'll put it on the list. And thanks for making me aware of the mod, it is probably what I should recommend as tree removal alternative, so I'll work on it with priority

6 months ago

Explosive Termites are now compatible, the grenades are no longer removed.

6 months ago

I'll close this, please open new threads for any bugs you find.

This thread has been locked.